Kevin Kotze

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since Aug 28, 2002
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Recent posts by Kevin Kotze

Hi There,

I have a WebSphere 4.0 server running with EJBs deployed on it. I need to connect to the WebSphere name service from a Web project running on Oracle Application Server in Oracle JDeveloper 10g to access these EJBs. Can anyone tell me how this is done?

19 years ago
Hi there,

We are experiencing a transactional problem where we have defined 2 datasources that point to the same database, but have different username and passwords. Our application has a stateless session bean defined as 'Required', that accesses multiple CMP EJB's also defined as 'Required' to perform database access, updates, etc. Some of the CMP's access the one datasource, and some of the CMP's access the other datasource.

What we are seeing once we perform a debug session, is that all the work seems to be done fine until the container calls commit on the transaction, which then fails. We have then recreated the one user on a different database machine, and repointed the particular datasource via the url, to the recreated user, and then the container is able to commit the transaction fine.

While this scenario is fine for now, we still require some answer as to why there was a problem with the previous scenario.

What we are using:
- WebSphere 4.0.4
- Oracle
- XA driver in 9i file.

20 years ago
We have sorted out the WSAD problem. The tranlog files have to be deleted from the following location ->
[WSAD install dir]\.metadata\.plugins\\tranlog
But this still doesn't explain why we keep getting this problem. There doesn't seem to be much info about this out there, which leads me to think we are doing something wrong?
21 years ago
Any WAS XA driver experts out there
21 years ago
21 years ago
Hi there.
We are getting the above exception when we try to restart our WAS4.0.4 server. We were required to use the Oracle 8i XA driver in our application because we are accessing 2 different databases with Entity EJB's (Required) via a Stateless Session EJB (Required). We investigated and found the following link (, which is the only instance found of this problem through google. Our server just loops this exception infinitely and we need to follow the instructions in the link, as well as stop the WAS admin service and delete the trans log files in /tranlog directory and then restart the service again.
We have even seen that when our WSAD5.0 test servers are stopped abnormally for some reason, and we try to restart the test server it throws the above exception infinitely and the server needs to be stopped, deleted from file system, and then updated from CVS again to get it started correctly again.
What we need to know is why does the server go into an infinite loop and what better ways are there to counter this problem. We have actually tried to see if there are other ways of doing what we need to do and avoid using the XA driver like the plague.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I would like to know whether it is possible to deploy a J2EE1.2 application on a WAS5.0 server? I don't want to have to convert the current application to J2EE1.3 as yet.
Reason for this: I am using some custom SQL (Full Select Finder Method) for the CMP EJB's and as I understand it J2EE1.3/EJB2.0 only supports EJB-QL. The Full Select SQL is required to do 'order by', 'sub-query', and 'rownum' on Oracle database to provide paging mechanism for application, and I understand that this will be impossible with EJB-QL.
Thanx in advance.
21 years ago
I am getting the following error while trying to start my server in WSAD 5.0:
WTRN0025W: Can not create XAResource object
I found a link to the problem on the IBM website:
It seems to occur when my server is stopped abnormally, and then I try to restart it again. I am using the Oracle XA JDBC driver.
21 years ago
Hi Kyle.
Any idea where I could get more info on such a eFix?
21 years ago
I am using WSAD 5.0 & Oracle 8.1.7.
I have been trying to map a EJB key, which is a Java long type, to a primary key on an Oracle database table of data type INTEGER. The table generated by the meet-in-the-middle mapping process creates the table primary key as NUMBER(22,0). When modifying this back to INTEGER using the table editor, the deployed code of the EJB complains about incomptible types long -> int.
I then wanted to modify the column type to BIGINT, but there is no option for that. I then modified the column type to NUMBER(38,0), which is represented by an Oracle INTEGER data type. But then the deployed code complained about incompatible types long -> BigDecimal.
I then examined the xml of the table definition and modified the field entry to "ORACLE_V8_Primitives.xmi#SQLNumeric_3", which came up as NUMBER(38,0), and which the deployed code then correctly converted to a setLong() on the JDBC statement.
Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong? I wouldn't like to have to edit the xml of the table definition every time to have to get around this.
Thanx in advance.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Bill Bailey:
"Illegal use of 1PC resource in transaction" should occur when you try to establish a transaction over 2 (or more) databases without using a XA driver.
But it can also occur due to WebSphere bugs :
Check this link

Thanx Bill.
Only using one database. But am using a unique id generator in the create method on the CMP beans that gets the next sequence number from the database. Obviously this unique id generator also looks up the datasource, and from the link you posted it is clear that this datasource lookup is causing the problem. But problem is that the IBM link only provides a fix for WAS 4.0.1 and cant be applied to the WAS 4.0.3 version that is running. Do you know of any fixes for this version of WAS that will sort out the problem?
22 years ago
Hi there.
Can anybody help with the following exception : Illegal use of 1PC resource in transaction.
Are running IBM WAS 4.0.3. No eFixes have been applied. Have a stateless session bean(not supported) calling CMP beans(requires new). Seems to work fine when doing finders, but throws exception when calling create on CMP beans.
22 years ago
I have been trying to move EJB's from one EJB group to another in the same project in VisualAge for Java 4.0. I have tried following instructions given in IBM's redbook - EJB Development with VisualAge for Java for WebSphere Application Server (sg246144.pdf), page 74. But I can't seen to replicate this successfully. When I delete the EJB from one EJB group, and try to load it into another from the repository, it does not come up in the available EJB listing. When I try to load the EJB back into the original EJB group, it is displayed in the available EJB listing. Does this mean that the EJBs are exclusively associated with an EJB group regardless whether they are deleted? If so, is the redbook incorrect ?
Thanx in advance.
22 years ago