Francis Atore

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since Aug 29, 2016
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Recent posts by Francis Atore


Are you still looking to fill this position? I am currently based out of the Austin area.
8 years ago
Thanks for the cow. Hopefully I will have enough to start a herd soon
I persisted the data in my waterquality controller class and it fixed the issue:

Hopefully this solves someone elses problem. If you have some looping issues, change your many to many maping List or Set from


Could you format the actual code as code, so that we can it can be easier to read. It seems that the error is in the AddSocioAction class. Could you comment where line 39 and 30 is.
8 years ago
Only one method (@GET or @POST) is executed for a single request. So two methods can't be executed in single request. JAX-RS identifies which method (@GET or @POST) to be executed according to the request header values(@Consumes and @Produces). In my case, it is common to see both @Consumes and @Produces attached to a method.

@GET and @POST do not strictly accompany either @Produces and @Consumption. I have used @POST with both producing and consuming. In the producing case, I was posting event information, that would produce information persisted in the database for the corresponding event.

By default, a resource class can respond to and produce all MIME media types of representations specified in the HTTP request and response headers.

Hope I answered your question.
8 years ago
My casestudyList is coming up empty when I call the waterquality information. I looked at the joined table and it was also empty. I have read the flushing the session helps, but it didnt work for my case. I have also seen examples where setting "" at the method level helps, but I am not sure is this truly solves the problem. I am new to hibernate and Java in general. Anyone have any good ideas? Appreciate any solid inputs!
