Jacky Chow

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since Sep 01, 2002
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Recent posts by Jacky Chow

I remember that some old version of JDK does not need to do the explicit convertion!
The emulator of SWTK 2.3 always displays the "Incoming call..." after the Midlet calls the notifyPaused() ! This never happended before I installed the new version of WTK, anybody knows why? and how to solve the problem?
18 years ago
hi all, I have a question about the use of Context in Strategy Pattern, could anyone tell me what's the benefits of using the Context other than use a concrete strategy directly?

In the above code InterfaceAlgorithm interface common to all supported algorithm classes Algorithm1 and Algorithm2. Class Context is configured with different algorithm object either object of Algorithm1 class or Algorithm2 class and maintains a reference to InterfaceAlgorithm type class.

Scalability of J2EE components which uses this pattern.Developing application as J2EE component makes it pluggable and portable. With regards to the type of bean to be used used in J2EE component, it is going to depend upon the situation.

We need to come up with some code on this!

  1. Adds communication overhead between objects.
  2. Increased number of objects.

  3. Hope this helps,

    PS : I am working on some J2EE code based on Strategy Pattern.Will post it as soon as I am done with it.

    - Sandeep

    [This message has been edited by Desai Sandeep (edited June 22, 2001).][/qb]
    [ August 11, 2004: Message edited by: Jacky Chow ]
hi meeta,
Because the Child does not override the method1() in Parent, method1() in Child class and method1() in Parent is two different methods, so, the Parent.method2() just call it's(class Parent's) own method1(), this is because the method1() exists in Parent and it is not be overrided;
I called some local book stores, but all of them do not have the book, so I also bought the book online, wait for Shipping now
Thanks Tong, I know how it works now, also thanks to Richard, the extra information you provided are useful!
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Jacky Chow ]

Originally posted by Tong Chen:
When get a SOAP request, the RECEIVER will pre-view the SOAP header entries first, if the endpoint needs the authentication info (username/password) to get in, then the RECEIVER will find the authentication info in the header, if can't find it then it will not continue to process the request and send fault info back to the original SOAP SENDER.

So, is that the receiver just GUESS how the SOAP header represents the username/password ?
for example if the receiver expects that a header entry element <username>...</username> to represent the login id, and an other header entry <password>...</password> to represent the login password, but if the message sender do not expect the header entries are used for authentication, then what happen? will that the receiver still use the header entries for authentication ?
The following text is copyed from SOAP 1.1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------SOAP provides a flexible mechanism for extending a message in a decentralized and modular way without prior knowledge between the communicating parties. Typical examples of extensions that can be implemented as header entries are authentication, transaction management, payment etc.
How a recipient know a header entry is for authentication, transaction management, or for other purpose if it do not have any prior knowledge of the message sender ?
Thanks! and congrats to other winners!
20 years ago
I think there are no absolute way to do this, a person who does the conversion should know how your web application works, and should know how Struts works! I also think that if you know how your web application works and how Struts works, you should know how to do the conversion
20 years ago
I have checked the Struts 1.0 and 1.1 API docs, the errors occur because the org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.DefineTag class in Struts 1.0 extends TagSupport, and it extends BodyTagSupport in Struts 1.1!
I am sure that the problem is that you web application loads the Struts 1.0 library, so you may check your classpath and make it points to the Struts 1.1! You should noticed that if your classpath points to both Struts 1.0 and 1.1, the problem may still be there!
[ February 13, 2004: Message edited by: Jacky Chow ]
20 years ago
Thanks for your useful information, the Struct framework is the only one I have used, I know there are many frameworks for web development, Neal's book is good for me to learn other frameworks, but the book seems it does not cover Swing! so really thank you very much!
20 years ago
Do you remember to add the following line (also other needed tag libraries)?
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
If you still have problem, I think you should give more here to let us know more about the problem! For example, telling us do you get any error message? giving us the jsp code, etc..
[ February 13, 2004: Message edited by: Jacky Chow ]
20 years ago
hi Rashid,
Do you remember to add the following lines ?
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>

[ February 13, 2004: Message edited by: Jacky Chow ]
20 years ago