Abadula Joshi

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since Sep 01, 2002
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Recent posts by Abadula Joshi

Originally posted by Veena Point:
Only team members who found Java are eligible for this .Actually this is not the only job which is asking like this.Usually most of consultants whom I am posting my resume ask for 8 years of EJB experience,JSP experience.......How is that possible?If I say it is not possible coz it wasn't released b4 8 years,that is like negative impression for them...& they won't get back to me.Is there any solution for this?
[ March 23, 2003: Message edited by: Veena Point ]

but do you feel comfortable to work for people who think you have 8 yrs experience of EJB ?
21 years ago
I have been using j2se1.3 and now want to update to j2se1.4. I saw j2se1.4.0 and j2se1.4.1 on SUN's site. Of course I want the latest version which sould be j2se1.4.1. But I am concerned about if the latest version(j2se1.4.1) has been reported to be stable/robust enough. If not, I may go with j2se1.4.0.
Any one has experience on that ?
21 years ago

Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
I think it will remain the same.

If it doesn't improve homeland security status and doesn't reduce any terrorism threat, then may I ask why war ? why now ?
and is it worthwhile ?
21 years ago

Originally posted by Ravish Kumar:
If I would be an US citizen then

Sorry, if you are NOT a citizen, you are not qualified to answer it.
21 years ago
May I ask you a personal question and I want candid answer from you --- If you are a US born citizen and your country asks you if you want to go to Iraq for this war next week (assume they think you are qualified or useful). Assuming nobody pushes you at all and it is a totally volunteer and anonymous thing, just like taking an anonymous poll. Will you mark "yes" or "no" on the paper which can't be seen by anybody else except yourself ?
21 years ago
I have one more question to ask ---
Suppose the US/Iaq war is over and Hussein is killed or exiled, do you think USA homeland security status will get better or worse ? DO you think USA will get more or less threat and/or attack from his enemies ?
21 years ago
"The British public sees President Bush (news - web sites) as a greater threat to world peace than Iraq (news - web sites)'s Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), a poll published on Tuesday showed. The poll, commissioned by Channel 4 Television, asked 1,000 people whether they believed Bush was a greater threat to world peace than Saddam. Forty-five percent agreed while 38 percent disagreed."
What's going on ???
21 years ago

Originally posted by Jason Menard:

While personal attacks may be all you can muster, let's avoid them please. But on the off chance you have something of substance you feel is worth adding to the conversation, please blind us with your acumen. :roll:

Truly I didn't mean to offend you Jason. What I want to say to you is -- Please don't 100% trust the goverment, otherwise you may be fooled and disappointed.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Jason Menard:
That is very interesting, it is one of those "aimed bombs" that destroyed the chinese embassy in bosnia a couple of years ago.
It was in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, not Bosnia. And it hit precisely what was aimed for.

may I remind people that some of these bunker-busting bombs are made of depleted uranium--anyone who knows anything about uranium will know very well its side -effects.
Uranium and depleted uranium are not the same thing, so knowing what the side-effects of uranium are does not contribute much to knowing what the side-effects of DU are. While people suspect that there are short-lived localized effects from spent DU weapons, there is currently no scientific evidence supporting this claim one way or the other.
Our country has never been so widely hated around the world as it is now.
And? Aside from the fact that this is merely your perception, it really doesn't matter. Life is not a popularity contest. As long as we are doing basically the right thing, as removing Hussein from power obviously is, I really could care less what others perceptions are. Part of the responsibiilty of strength is having the courage to do the right thing even when it's not popular.

When you find such lovely naive guy like Jason, you really can't laugh.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Lipman Li:
Certified SCJP, SCJD, SCEA, OCA, 10 year experience with Java/C/C++/J2EE/PRO*C/Oracle

Li, did u write "10 year experience with Java/C/C++/J2EE/PRO*C/Oracle" ? that's how I know u have 10 years experience of java, if the "10 years" only applies to "C/C++", then u should take away the word "java" and "j2ee" from the list. Otherwise everybody will understand it in the same way as I do.
21 years ago
I don't know why Einstein didn't mention anything "that go by the name of religion" ?
21 years ago
"This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor... This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them!
Do you like what Einstein said ?
21 years ago
What if the employer puts "The answers to the following questions will not affect the interview outcome" ?
21 years ago

Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:

I haven't (aside from TAing in grad school, and helping to teach a small week-long course at MIT), but I have many friends who have. Community colleges definately take people with just a masters degree. So do some small schools. They are also happy to take people from industry to teach class with more practical focus, e.g. building e-commerce sites.


That's absoultely true. Actually many professors can't teach such "building e-commerce site" courses... We had a professor teaching automata and algorithm for 30 years and his research doesn't really require him to use any computer physically. I am serious. All he needs is pen and paper, of course he uses computer to edit file and send emails. On the other hand he is so smart that almost nobodys understands what he writes.. Once I saw he got frustrated for half an hour when he used Microsoft Word and eventually the secretary saved him...
22 years ago
I am surprised to know you have 10 years experience of Java.
22 years ago