uday krishna

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since Feb 10, 2000
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null is also a reserved word.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
Constructor con;
con=new Constructor(Class.forName("Object"));
25 years ago
hey sree,
u said to look at vamsi's site.
but i could not figure out the URL.
could u post the url.
u said u would appear for the test in a day or two.
all the best.
good luck.
don't forget to mention the URL of vamsi's site
hi jim,
thanx for the suggestion.
i thought it was xor first.
and thandapani was right.
it is simple.
it goes via order of precedence.
ie "XOR" "AND" and "OR".
first it would return false.ie "true" XOR "true" is "false".
then it would return false. ie "false" AND "true" is "false".
then it would return true. ie "false" OR "false" is "true".