This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

akol ompen

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 08, 2016
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Recent posts by akol ompen

Could you give me an ecample what is the use of buffer because i cant understand it?
7 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:What book are you using that you don't like? This is helpful so you don't get a recommendation that is the same or similar.

8 years ago
Hello, i want to learn assembly online .My book isnt good its not telling about coding anything.My teachers notes arent good.Can you give me a place that i can learn assembly online books,videos something to help my self.I  working on emu8086.
8 years ago
hello everyone i have a have split a code and trying each part to understand it .I think that i know it but i am not sure about my knowledges so,at this split code i have some comments .Please let me know if i am right or wrong.

1) MOV DS,AX  --->  this for me mean that AX will take the DS.The "variable" lets say

2) LEA DX,MESSAGE ---> LEA means load to DX

3) MOV AH,9 ---->Give(i am not sure if means move) the 9 to AH

4) INT 21H --->stops

5) MOV AL, N   Move N to AL
     MUL AL    --->multiple the AL that means N and N.More specific N*N
6) MOV SI, AX  --->AX goes to SI (i hope with this to remember it good).That means N*N goes to SI?
   MOV BL, 2    --->Give 2 to BL
   MOV AL, N    --->Take N and give it to AL
   MUL BL        --->BL * AL?if i am not doing wrong that it is 2* N

7) SUB SI,AX  ---> AX ( N*N) -SI(2*N)
INC SI            ---> ?appear the sub?

8) MOV AX,SI   --->SI goes to AX.2*N goes to AX.Now AX is 2*N
   MOV CL,10  --->10 goes to CL
   DIV CL         -->2*N / 10 ?

9)MOV CL,AH --> AH  "variable" goes to  CL
MOV DL,AL    -->AL    "variable" goes to DL
ADD DL,48     -->DL will be AL +48

8 years ago

akol ompen wrote:

Henry Wong wrote:

akol ompen wrote:
"indentation and spaces surrounding all binary operators" i didnt catch it.If you could do an example please.What i think you mean is that i do lines with out wrote something?

Which is more readable? understandable?

This? ....


Or this? ...


Also, your eariler code had comments. Why did you remove them? Granted, they might not have been the best comments, but you could have improved them, than removing them completely.


I understand! Thanks a lot now i catch it i will do it
i will do and the next exercise after .Lets finish this.

8 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:

akol ompen wrote:
"indentation and spaces surrounding all binary operators" i didnt catch it.If you could do an example please.What i think you mean is that i do lines with out wrote something?

Which is more readable? understandable?

This? ....


Or this? ...


Also, your eariler code had comments. Why did you remove them? Granted, they might not have been the best comments, but you could have improved them, than removing them completely.


I understand! Thanks a lot now i catch it i will do it
8 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Please read about abs(). Who told you to use it? It is not appropriate for the current application.
Please post the original image with the formula; I removed the link for reasons I explained earlier. I can see it, and I think it evaluates to
1.0 ÷ √(|x² − 1.0|)
in which case when x = ±1, the formula will evaluate to ∞.

What is it the formula for?

I haven't looked at the second exercise yet.

"indentation and spaces surrounding all binary operators" i didnt catch it.If you could do an example please.What i think you mean is that i do lines with out wrote something? .Next,I go to line 20 probably you reffer to  fro loop.The variable b is standar i think it doesnt change its b=1.5 the variable x is changing with x=x+h until this will be bigger than the number b.I used pow(x,2) because thats what they told me ,sorry i will fix it.My mistake I will doing it double.I dont know what will happen but its not good as far as i know and from java.Abs() is need on this exercise,why isnt appropriate?i think i should declare #define f(x) 1.0 ÷ √(|x² − 1.0|) but i am not sure about that.I agree 1.0 ÷ √(|x² − 1.0|) this is it  and that x = ±1.The formula is just an exercise to appear the  results of y .
8 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Please tell us the full details; we can only help if we know what is going wrong. What is supposed to happen and what does happen? I think I can see a compiler error somewhere. Add the image to the post, not the link (which I shall delete) because some people are reluctant to click such links. Please explain what the formula is supposed to calculate.

in the second exercise

i dont think is right i think i have done mistakes. On dev-c++ i take this messages.Expected primary -expression before int.j not declared and i was not declared.Its too difficult this exercisee .I dont know what am i doing wrong
8 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Please tell us the full details; we can only help if we know what is going wrong. What is supposed to happen and what does happen? I think I can see a compiler error somewhere. Add the image to the post, not the link (which I shall delete) because some people are reluctant to click such links. Please explain what the formula is supposed to calculate.

i cant edit my code .I did something on it some changes.If i understand good i am not permited to put link (sorry i didnt knew that) and i tryed find how to put image from my pc to the post but i didnt managed to.In any case i will do again if i am somewhere false.Whats its going on this exercise is that it cant be run properly.What i mean is that on  dev-c++ i press up complile & run and it is doing a calculate 0y= that is never finished.What it should do is to show only some numbers.
8 years ago
Morning I did two exercises and in both  i make some mistakes.I dont know what i did wrong.If something is missing or not .

first exercise

I have a = -1.5, b = 1.5, h = 0.1.We use this variables  x from a until b with "step" h (its a for loop ).After i have this [deleted link] and i will  printf the variables x,y.The program  will be finished when x is bigger than b.
what i did :

first exercise
we read  x and n( the number of term will be used).We give 1 to the variable i.We give 1 in the variable term.We give the variable 1 to myexp.For each term i=1...n.we calculate each term from previous with the use of reduction type term<--term*x/i.We add the new term on myexp.We printf the x,myexp and exp(x).

what i did:
8 years ago
Is there a way to make code unreadable? I mean if you f12button you will see the code html , can somehow hide this? not to be able the visitors to see the code ?

Dave Tolls wrote:If it's the free version:

I will go home and I will tell you if I will have problem.Assembly on program emu ,there is a forum here to ask my question that I have on assembly?
It can be hearing "why you can't" or "where you stuck" or "it's easy to download it" I can't download it.Can someone help me ?