I got some error (listed below) when I try to use weblogic.jspc to compile jsps.
My jsps use some taglibs and I have references in web.xml. I
have the tld files put in WEB-INF/tld and tag library jar files in WEB-INF/lib.
I believe the locations of tld files and tab library jar files are correct because when I put jsp files into web application directly, weblogic can compile the jsp files without any problem. However, when I try to compile use the command line, I get the error saying that it can't find the taglibs. The command I use, taglib references in web.xml and the error message are the followings.
Any help is appreciated.
# command I use for precompile jsps #
java weblogic.jspc -d [WEB_APP]/WEB-INF/classes -classpath [classpath] -webapp [WEB_APP] -compileAll
# tag library reference in web.xml #
# error I got
[java] [jspc] parsing /ConfigAgentMgr.jsp:
[java] Error: translation of /ConfigAgentMgr.jsp failed: weblogic.servlet.j
sp.JspException: (line 3): Could not parse deployment descriptor: java.io.IOExce
ption: cannot resolve 'http://java.sun.com/jstl/core' into a valid tag library
[java] Error: [jspc]: 1 file(s) failed:
[java] /ConfigAgentMgr.jsp
[java] weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 3): Could not parse deploym
ent descriptor: java.io.IOException: cannot resolve 'http://java.sun.com/jstl/co
re' into a valid tag library
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.jspException(JspLexer.java:856)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE_BODY(JspLexer
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE(JspLexer.java
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mDIRECTIVE(JspLexer.java:4281)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mSTANDARD_THING(JspLexer.java:2
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTOKEN(JspLexer.java:1978)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.nextToken(JspLexer.java:1860)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.parse(JspLexer.java:1100)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.doit(JspParser.java:89)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.parse(JspParser.java:192)
[java] at weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java.outputs(Jsp2Java.java:119)
[java] at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(CodeGenerator.
[java] at weblogic.jspc.runBodyInternal(jspc.java:290)
[java] at weblogic.jspc.runBody(jspc.java:169)
[java] at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:79)
[java] at weblogic.jspc.main(jspc.java:398)
[java] Java Result: 1