Prasad Saya wrote:Since a custom renderer is used to render the cells one has to use javax.swing.table.TableRowSorter and then set a custom java.util.Comparator for sorting. Here is the Oracle's Swing tutorial for that:
Hey ,
I found the problem of here.In my
method I declared column value as the row value
(fixValue). So then
method in my rendering class gets object value as that fixValue and then get some strings and set that value in the column and the tool tip too.
So I can't sort that column according to the string value here.Because it returns all the row value. So whta Can I do here is set the relevant string in the
(column no 3) and then pass that string to renderer class.then just set tool tip only.No need of set text here.Because I set value in model class
Just these 3 lines. Simple !!!