It might be simple but I couldn't figure it out ..
I have a jsp in which I have the following code
<html:select property="svenv">
ption value="0">(any)</html
<c:forEach var='se' items='${sessionScope.UserInfo.svenv}'>
ption value="<c
ut value='${se}'/>"><c
ut value='${se}'/></html
if I invoke the jsp and see the source code
select name="svenv"><option value="0">(any)</option>
<option value="<c
ut value='${se}'/>">Save</option>
<option value="<c
ut value='${se}'/>">Print</option></select>
Is there anything wrong in giving
ption value="<c
ut value='${se}'/>"> ?
My problem is value attribute does not have Save or Print . I don't know what I am missing ..please shed some light