Joshua Austin

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since Sep 09, 2002
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Recent posts by Joshua Austin

the only problem you will run into is if someone leaves, then they will still be listed as in the room because the updated list is never sent again.. also if the last person that recieved the list disconnects after connecting and recieving the list then no-one else would be able to connect because the last person to connect would now be gone...
[ February 25, 2003: Message edited by: Joshua Austin ]
I am making a telnet client, and have it displaying the characters from an array inside the paint(Graphics g) function of a class called TelnetView which extends Panel.
Is there a way I can make the drawString function display 8-Bit DOS-ASCII characters instead of the unicode characters?
or is there another way you can think of to display the characters that will display dos ascii if the above isnt possible?
21 years ago
Yes, it is just a scrolling text console, but in this case its ANSI, so I have color codes, and other ansi codes such as moving the cursor to specific coordinates. So a normal text field or a Label wont work, unless I can change the color of individual characters, and choose where in those components the text can be displayed...
the overriding the Paint method poses a problem because it requires you to pass it the Graphics object, so I cant call it to refresh the display.
Also, if I override it in the frame class, will it still be able to draw the components?
[ January 23, 2003: Message edited by: Joshua Austin ]
21 years ago
I am trying to make a telnet client, so I have to be able to draw text anywhere on the form, prefurably by setting coordinates, and change the color of the text (without previously drawn text's color being changed).
I cant seem to figure out how to do this..
Tryed using Graphics, but from what I can see, it can only be used in the Overrided Paint(Graphics g) {} method of a component?...
any help would be apreciated
21 years ago
haha, thats cool
I wish I had the tesla coil so I could try that LOL
21 years ago
Microsoft Windows
(hehehe )
21 years ago
I am glad laziness is a common requirement Otherwise I would be in big trouble. I am very very lazy LOL.
But people still dont learn as much as they would by just writing the code themselves.
and yes, code copying (I guess stealing was a little harsh ) has been around for a while, but its so much easier to do with OOP thus its more common.
(As you can tell I am now BSing my answer because I have run out of arguments LOL)
[ September 09, 2002: Message edited by: Joshua Austin ]
21 years ago
Yes, I see the difference now. Thanks
21 years ago
I am just printing to whatever the standard console is (using System.out.print) . Weather the console supports ANSI codes depends on what the end user is using to run the program. Its kind of hard to make an installer that does ansi.sys, considering the door game (written in java) will be run under linux, and other OSs' as well, which probably dont use ansi.sys, and may or may not allow ANSI codes.
[ September 09, 2002: Message edited by: Joshua Austin ]
[ September 09, 2002: Message edited by: Joshua Austin ]
21 years ago
so there is no real way to have it automaticly do color without the end user having to do all this stuff to load ansi.sys?
21 years ago
I dont know exactly what a java bean component is, but I do know that a text editor (using just a text field, dont know about making a full fleged DOS text editor with no nifty pre-made text area )is relitivly simple to create.
21 years ago
18. Don't worry. Chewie and I have gotten into a lot of pants more heavily guarded than this.
21 years ago
From what I have read about OOP and classes, the main purpose is to promote code re-usability.
With this in mind, think of what the side-effects of code re-usability are. Sure, it helps you organise code, but it does present a problem: It promotes stealing someone elses code, instead of learning how to code something for yourself. Thus you end up with programers who are increasingly lazy, and less experienced.
21 years ago
From what I read in my java book, String and Stringbuffer are exactly the same except that you can change parts of String Buffer, and not String..
So my question(s) is(are) this:

Why would you use String rather than StringBuffer at all, when there are so many advantages to stringbuffer?
Why teach about String at all, and not just teach people about Stringbuffer?
Or better yet, why didnt they just give the abilitys of stringbuffer to string to begin with?
21 years ago