aziz ali

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since Dec 29, 2016
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Couldnt find whether anyone posted these new 2020 discounts yet.
25% off, tried applying on some certs in APAC, seemed to apply. But wouldnt apply to some trainings i want. Seems to apply for super expensive cloud trainings though.

4 years ago
Ive been communicating with Oracle Support in since yesterday but i was wondering if anyone else is facing problems like i am.
They (Oracle) apparently did a 'maintenance' of the testing platform last weekend which turned out to be a migration of Pearson Oracle ( to be completely managed by Oracle as accessed through CertView ( Since yesterday Monday 17 Aug have not been able to access their new fangled site, nor reschedule nor start my exam which i was planning on sitting for yesterday (and relatedly sit for two other exams at the end of the month).

Now the new Certview site isnt all too clear to me and how and where one is supposed to click to either start an exam or reschedule an exam is no where to be seen by any visible 'Start' or 'Reschedule' apart from one large 'CertView' button on the top left corner and 'Manage Pearson...' button on the left sidebar. Support continually says to click on the 'CertView' button and keeps iterating please try again or furnish us with error if you have problems logging in ..... (fuming frustration here...).

Clicking on 'Certview' only gives 302s for me which lands back to the same page and clicking on 'Manage Pearson ... ' gives me "Temporary error please try again ..." (head banging on wall here...). I tried on a variety of browsers (Chrome, IE11 (!), IE Edge, Firefox, Brave, Opera) and one other laptop both running Win10. I dont want to startup my old XP nor old MacBook.

Am only wondering if im stuck in a private island where Oracle hates me for being overly vocal, abrasive (unabashedly so!) and nonpolitically correct about my views and feelings about their subpar services, or are others facing similar/identical problems.
In comparison my previous experiences with Pearson online has been seamless and did not face any problems with the last two exams i took (815 and 816 last two weeks). Also as comparison i did face problems with Pivotal which were fixed and zero problems with Datastax (early in the year).

Apologies for the rant/vent. Would be interesting to hear how others are faring. Thank you
Apologies if this shouldnt be here. Apologies for the vitriol...
Im just wondering if anyone doesnt suffer a lot of mental anguish trying to purchase vouchers from Oracle.

Im guessing people from the States or EU potentially can pay through credit card, but thats just half of the issue, which ive sort of gone through for more than a decade even with Sun in Malaysia, never was anyone able to pay directly through electronic means,... only through cheque or a PO, what are we in the stone ages? Sigh

The last time i bought any vouchers (SCEA) was through a Training affiliate which was not exempt from ****ups either. Catching wind of the 50% off i thought yeah why not get my Solaris cert and finally upgrade my Java 5 cert to Java11 and get this new fangled JEE7 cert...
I dont believe how BAD the whole Ajax/JSF(?) form experience was, as i tried refreshing the page because the submits wouldnt work, my cart kept going empty AND subsequently kept refetching from some server side session cache and then empty (i was buying 5 vouchers.....), i literally just wanted to punch some software engineer's/managers face.... ugh

sigh AND after all of that i still have to 'In approximately 1-2 business days, you'll receive an email with the subject line "Your Oracle University Order Has Been Received."'

Incidentally, recently i also bought vouchers from Datastax it was all smooth sailing no fuss, no vitriol, no desire to strangle anyone

I found reading the 2.0 specs helpful, like i mentioned above i was expecting things on the 2.1 spec (Converter, Validation etc), which didnt come out! (which was stupid of me because i didnt read the actual exam layout)
good luck!
Hi M!
For OCJPAD i only read the 2.1 Specs and and  Pro JPA2 by Keith, Schariol.
No advice for you on OCA, i took the SCJP yonks ago and i cant remember the name of that 400-500 page thick book i used...
Best is to practice programming and work out all possible permutations/combinations of failing(and succeeding) scenarios for all functions(and classes and annotations/interfaces) (thats a tall order....)
Good luck!

First time user here, miraculously i passed 1z0-898 after ~3 weeks (50% spent on oss and jobhunting) of preparation (after i saw the discount voucher)

-read API 5,6,7 compared all classes interfaces in javax.persistence, enums and annotations, made a lot of permutations/combinations of failing/uncompilable test programs, to test understanding
-read JPA 2.1 specs ch2, ch4, ch6 ch8 completely, other chapters bit here and there
-read pro jpa2 sparingly
-finally used Enthuware mock exam two days before exam! went through questions section wise to test my understanding rather than scoring, money very well spent (thumbs up) !!

What i didnt see in the exam, which i was half expecting and worrying over...
-Entity Graph

What i didnt expect/weak in
-EJB stuff! lol

Thank you Javaranch !