Javed Sardar

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since Sep 10, 2002
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Recent posts by Javed Sardar

How about using singleton pattern.
20 years ago
Could not help giving my opinion, I know it is useless but still I wanted to say.
a religion that advocates killing "infidels"
Eleison, no religion advocates killing. I request you not to blame the religion based on behaviour of a handful of people.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Donald R. Cossitt:

And your point is...?
What is at fault here?
Tigers (for getting caught)
U.S. Soldiers

Or are you saying it was not the Alcohol or the gun or... but the person; soldier or not? Hmmmmm Interesting concept.
[ September 21, 2003: Message edited by: Donald R. Cossitt ]

Agreed that this guy did put his comments in a rather bad manner. But so did Mr. Donal, he is definetly polite but at the same time very much sarcastic. Lets take his points,
What is at fault here?
[list]Alcohol - Life less so can't be considered
Parties - Anybody can have a party, but going out of control in a party is what is concerned.
Guns - Same as Alcohol
Zoos - Same again
Tigers (for getting caught) -
U.S. Soldiers - Yes, man is the only animal with some brains. If he looses his senses taking some alcohol then definetly it is his fault.

Or are you saying it was not the Alcohol or the gun or... but the person; soldier or not? Hmmmmm Interesting concept.

Donald, if you say that the fault is of any one of the thing in your list other than person, then that is an Interesting concept not the other way.
Please forgive if there are any spelling/grammer mistakes which most of the people look at instead of the concept.
20 years ago
8/10, they all look quite similar though
20 years ago
I have been doing Java/J2EE stuff for past 4 years and one fine day I have been asked to work on an ERP. As a software engineer one should be ready to work/face any kind of technology which is relevant. I dont say you be a Java developer today, Oracle DBA tomorrow and a Unix Sys Admin the next day. But expecting a RDBMS question is quite natural.
20 years ago
Thanks very much Cindy,
The JDBC thing is what I wanted.
20 years ago
Is it possible to generate an Excel file from Java. This is possible in VB, we need to make an instance of Excel file, get a handle of it, put data into the selected row-column and save the file.
Is it posible to do a similar job in Java ?
20 years ago
Thanks you very much guys.
21 years ago
Yesterday I boought my first book of Web Services and was to understand what a web srvice is.
What I understad is, a web service is used to get services form an application sitting somewhere on the network writen in a different language than the application taking the service. i.e an application written in Java running on a windows machine can make use of services written in C++ running on a Unix box.
Corba also dose the same, am I right ? Then why Web Services. I aplogise if this is a baseless question, but I am confused over it
21 years ago
How could one know when the session times out. Is there any method which is called when the session is timed out ?
21 years ago
I faced this question in an interview. What is the difference between a Framework and an API.
21 years ago
The following is the HTML code I am using to upload a file

IN my servlet when I try to get request.getContentType, it is returning null.
Could anybody please suggest when am I going wrong.
Thanks and Regards,
21 years ago
I have a scenario where I have two servlets runnings in diff contexts, Servlet A in App servers context and B in web servers context.
When logging A captures the user name and password, opens a HttpURLConnection to B and passes the user name and password which is stored in a session.
After a few navigations in A, when I call servlet B, the data I have put in B is lost
Why is this problem, dose sending data through HttpURLConnection has something to do with this?
This is the problem with cookies as well, I can set the cookies but later when I try to retrive them, then are not available.
21 years ago
Are instance variables thread safe ? I have a servlet in which I have a vector as an instance variable.
When one clinet fills the data in the vector which is intially null, I expect another client to get null and not the vector with data. But Iam wrong. Second client is getting a vector filled with data.
Where am I missing. I am using iPlanet4.1 web server
21 years ago
I have a scenario where I have a servlet running in app servers context and another servlet running in web servers context. I am using iPlanet 6.5 app server and iPLanet 4.1 web server.
The problem comes when the servlet in app server invokes the servlet in web server. It works fine but there is no way for user authentication . Any user can directly acces the servlet on web server whith out loggin in which is done through the servlet in app server.
Dose any body have idea how to make two serlets communicate if they are running on diif JVMs ?
I am using two servlets as I have to call CSP(Crystal Server pages and )and these are accessible through web server only.
21 years ago