Nichole Kim

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since Sep 12, 2002
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Recent posts by Nichole Kim

Just got it work. Actually I need to 'add external jars' in the properties of the project.
20 years ago
Hi guys,
I am working on a project using JavaMail API. The class I use is SMTPMessage. I added mail.jar in my classpath, but WSAD 4 still complains that this class can not be resolved. What's wrong with this set up? How to configure JavaMail API in WSAD 4?
Thanks a lot!
20 years ago
Hi Jeanne,
It's in the References of the web.xml. The web project needs to call those EJBs when a request is sent, but the JNDI names of those EJBs are different from those in ejb-jar.xml. Does this matter?
I am working on a project which consists of a web project and multiple EJB projects. I noticed that the JNDI name bindings in Websphere in the web.xml and ejb-jar.xml are different. Does this matter? When I do a lookup, which name binding should I follow? Thank you!
This question maybe stupid, but I am really curious. So if an entity bean is mapped to multiple tables, it's not portable, why is that? Then if an entity bean is only mapped to one table, is it portable then? What's the reason behind this?
Thank you!
Oh, yeah, the EJB project did not start correctly. It has some errors. I will fix it and try again. Thank you so much!
I need to look up a session bean which is in an EJB project. The calling client and the EJB project are both on my local server.I am using WSAD 5.0. I used JNDI name "java:comp/env/ejb/<EJBName>", it throws NameNotFoundException, I tried "ejb/<EJBName>", still throws NameNotFoundException. The exact jndi name in its ejb-jar.xml is "ejb/<EJBName>". What could go wrong? Anybody can help me out?
Thanks millions!
Nichole :
I am reading some tutorial re the Builder Pattern. In the example, the author declared an abstract class, and then two derived classes which are Builders, one factory class which is called Director. I have no problem with this structure. My question is: can we declare an interface instread of the abstract class for the builders? When to declare an interface, when to declare an abstract class?
Thank you!
Thank you!
22 years ago
I got a couple of calls from the recruiters. Some of them asked me about which company interviewed me and in what location, who interviewed me, etc. I am wondering why at the very beginning they asked me this. Should I tell them these details? Or they were just collecting information?
22 years ago
Hi, guys,
Here is a question bothering me. Hope I can get some help and suggestions from you.
I graduated and have been job hunting for more than a month. Before going back to school for my MSCS, I worked in two companies, the one I had been working for years bankrupted, the other one I just stayed for only a couple of months.
I got some phone calls and on-site interviews, especially the phone calls from recruiters, they always ask about salary history. The problem is, after my first company bankrupted, I jumped into the 2nd company with very low pay, now seems this experience downgrades my value and my credibility. I can feel their surprise and their change of attitude. Although I am not comfortable with the question, but looks it's not avoidable.
I am thinking about removing the 2nd company from my resume completely. But can the company really check my employment and salary history, like from when to when in which company, how much I earned, etc? How are they going to check from a bankrupted company?
Thank you!
22 years ago