Lee High

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since Apr 14, 2017
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Recent posts by Lee High

First I like to say that this information is GOLD!!! And it is a great help to a newbie like me. I'm soaking up this knowledge and using it towards the Frankenstein code I have created. Thank you all for you knowledge and education. I know a lot of your knowledge comes from experience, but all I have is Java A beginners's guide (sixth edition), and the oracle website. Could you guys recommend any other books or website that would help my studies?  
7 years ago
That information is so helpful, I do find it some what difficult to choice the correct name. I'm going to relook at my code and utilize this information thank you again.
7 years ago
all valid responses and I appreciate it. This is my first GUI code and have no experience at it. I will take all your advisements and rethink my code. Knowledge it power and hopefully I will develop that power moving forward. Thank you again.
7 years ago
Hello all, I am sorry to create such a dilemma. I am new at this and am trying to build my knowledge, and create better code. We have all started somewhere in our training and hopefully I will become as good as your guys in the future. Thank you again for all your help and guidance.
7 years ago
Hello again, Thanks for the feedback. I removed the code that would not compile, but that was the only error I received, when I run the code I can view the board and I am able to place an X or O in the squares, but It will not determine whether X won or O won or I need to continue the game. Most of the codes I have looked up point me in the direction of the code I placed. I think, but I am not sure that for this code to work I would need state it in the takeTurn method? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
7 years ago
Hello all, Just reaching out for some help on this project I'm working on. I'm new to this and could use all the help I can get. I've been working on this code for days with no results. All I'm trying to do is have the game tell me whether Nought wins or Cross wins or there is a tie, or if the game needs to continue. I'm really lost and don't know what I'm doing wrong?






7 years ago
Thanks for the advice all, will do.
7 years ago
Hello all, This latest project has me at a loss. Not sure where to go from here. My instructions are to (A) add a new method named getOutcome that returns an Outcome enumeration. (B) In the takeTurn method, use the getOutcome method to determine whether to continue the game.(C) In the takeTurn method, display a dialog message that displays the winner or tie when the game ends. Optionally,you can clear the board and start a new game after it ends. Note: display a dialog message in the current window: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, "Both players tie.");
Here is what I have so far, I can display the board and apply Nought and Cross but I am unable to work through the game and determine a winner or tie.






7 years ago
Here is my oop version of the game.

7 years ago
Yes! I was instructed to make my oop version of the tic tac toe game and turn it into a GUI version. The only problem I'm having is I can't get the game to play through and determine whether Nought wins or Cross wins or there is a tie?
7 years ago
Hi again, Thanks for all your feedback it has help me get through some of the confusing times I've had with Java code. I reworked the previous code I sent and thought I had it completed. I'm not receiving any errors, but the program is still not allowing me to determine whether Nought wins, Cross wins, or there's a tie. I am reusing a code I used in earlier programs and was able to get it working there, but for some reason can't seam to get it working on this program. Can anyone help?

I only made changes to the tictactoeguigame.java. all the only classes where untouched. Thanks again.
7 years ago
Thank you for your response. You are correct, this codes complexity will only continue to cause me problems. I will take your advice and scrap it and try again. Thanks again!
7 years ago
Hello again, Trying to wrap up this project  but keep hitting walls. I am able to display and even place X's and O's on the game board, now I am applying the logic to handle each turn and determine the outcome of the game.
I have put in the code but when I compile it, I doesn't  give me an error but I don't get any interaction through the game as well. I believe it's the for(Outcome) { statement, but I'm unsure what to replace it with?

7 years ago
I totally overlooked that! Thanks, It's good to have  a second pair of eyes.
7 years ago
Sorry I missed one more java file.


7 years ago