Chris Stewart

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 14, 2002
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A new community devoted to sports talk of all kinds. I'm in the process of developing a couple of sites for NFL players as well. So in time we'll have them setup with accounts and our members will have direct access to the players. Check us out!
20 years ago
I heard it was integrated in 1.5 and I thought the classes may have changed. I went ahead and used 1.4 anyway.
Can anybody point me in the direction of a good example for xml parsing in java 1.5?
Is this possible? Can anybody help me here?
20 years ago
I've been trying to find a really simple and scaled down bug tracking system for some apps I'm doing. I've tried Bugzilla, Scarab, and Mantis. Scarab gave me a bunch of errors and I never really got Mantis going. Bugzilla, I just don't like. Can anyone recommend a really stripped down bug tracking system? Thanks.
21 years ago
I've been trying to find a really simple and scaled down bug tracking system for some apps I'm doing. I've tried Bugzilla, Scarab, and Mantis. Scarab gave me a bunch of errors and I never really got Mantis going. Bugzilla, I just don't like. Can anyone recommend a really stripped down bug tracking system? Thanks.
21 years ago
Ok, say when you visit JavaRanch, you don't have to login each time. I assume the forum software is doing this by using cookies. That's what I'm after.
21 years ago
I assume the best way to remember a user on a website is to set a cookie on their computer and check for it in your index page. Is that correct? Can anybody direct me towards some good info for working with cookies in java?
21 years ago
I'm guessing I can do a 4 col string array with 1 row and insert it into an ArrayList. I just wish there was a better way. unno:
[ July 29, 2003: Message edited by: Chris Stewart ]
I thought about that, but can it be 2d?
Perfect, thank you! This is my final code:
21 years ago
Perfect, thank you! This is my final code:

Originally posted by Manjunath Subramanian:
But, coming to your original question, I still dont understand how the session object was alive on the server even after you called invalidate on it

I don't either. I implemented the session value way last night and it invalidates just fine. I guess I'll stick with this for now.
21 years ago
The only req as far as security goes is to make sure nobody can access the pages in the admin section (/admin/) unless they have logged in.
21 years ago
That didn't work for me either. :dunno:
[ July 21, 2003: Message edited by: Chris Stewart ]
21 years ago