I am new to rmi. Attempting to run an example out of CoreJava volII. I have followed the steps in the tutorial, however there seems to be a grey area which seems to relate either to class paths, or to class loading??
The source is provided by Cay Horstmann.
The steps are:
1. Compile the source - no packaging
2. rmic -v1.2 the ProductImpl class for stub generation
3. create three directories to test deployment - client, download, server.
4. into server put ProductServer.class, ProductImpl.class, Product.class, ProductImpl_Stub.class
5. into download put ProductImpl_Stub.class, Product.class
6. into client put ProductClient.class, Product.class, client.policy
5. ensure client.policy grants SocketPermission to connect to "*:1024-65535" and "*:8080" (tomcat)
6. move download to webapps directory in tomcat home - presumably this is the directory which tomcat will search to find the specfied resource?
7. start tomcat
8. start new shell and set classpath=
9. start rmiregistry &
10. start new shell and set classpath to the server directory
11. java -Djava.rmi.codebase=http://localhost:8080/download/ ProductServer &
UnMarshalException - nested ClassNotFoundException