Pedro Vargas

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since Jul 03, 2017
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Recent posts by Pedro Vargas

Hi K. Tsang

Some hours ago, I received a Oracle email with the correct confirmation of my course. So everthing is ok.

Hi guys

So, yesterday I recieved my result of part2/3 (134/160) and I did the last step "Submit course form" in the Pearson Vue / Oracle.
But during the web form, I had a small issue in the field "Enrollment Number", because the form ask me for "Enrollment Number" with 7 digits but my "Enrollment Number" in the diploma of the course (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML) contain a "Enrollment Number of 8 digits. (I did the course through via LWC in a Oracle Workforce Development Program). So, I removed the last digits. But I've stayed with the doubt.

Has anyone had something similar happened to me? Maybe I should contact the Oracle support?

Thanks for information Rajsri!

I sent the part 2 the 22/06 and the I did the part3 on 23/06. So, I hope receive my results in the next days.


7 years ago
Congratulations Rajsri!

Can you tell me, how long does Oracle delay in the PART 2/3 review?

I was wanting for 2 weeks (I know the normal is 4-6 week's)
