hed bisker

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since Aug 06, 2017
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Recent posts by hed bisker

I am running asp.net website on IIS its run on service. and I want to open Excel file with GUI, so I must use the active session.

What I have tried:

This is my aspx file:

This is my aspx.cs file:

It makes the next error http://prntscr.com/g4q1uo

And when I use another solution like

It's open the Excel process(when I look at task manager). But I need the GUI so I have to run It on the active session. Anyone know an easy way to do so? can you give me any example code? I just have no idea...

for ProcessExtensions, I use this https://github.com/murrayju/CreateProcessAsUser

For the second solution after a lot of tries when I use remote debugging I just getting stuck on process1.Start(); and after time out I got an error on process1.WaitForExit(); because of

Hope for that someone will help, Thanks

Sory if I am doing something wrong, don't devote my question, tell me before that, please...
7 years ago