Ignacio Barragan

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since Aug 31, 2017
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Recent posts by Ignacio Barragan

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:I think you need to look at what is in the ad more than the title.

For example,
Senior Java and PL/SQL Developer

Required skills
Oracle PL/SQL
Oracle Forms
UI design

Optional skills
Ellucian Banner ERP

Yes, were looking at refining to something like this, thank you.   Also the Framework the ERP provider uses is Morphis Foundations.   How much emphasis should we give that framework.    Are most frameworks very similar or would Morphis be something farther off the norm?

Thank you.
6 years ago

salvin francis wrote:

Ignacio Barragan wrote:We posted an add with for Java developer but we are getting people that are heavy in the back end with Spring, Hibernate and a lot of experience getting data

If I understand correctly, you are rejecting candidates whose profiles have Spring, Hibernate experience ?! Why?

Not rejecting because of that. A lot of them are doing back end Java work but our back end is already set by the ERP.  We need them to have user interface experience.
6 years ago
We need someone with Java basic to intermediate Java experience.  We have an Ellucian Banner ERP that has been using Oracle Forms for many years.   Ellucian has developed a new framework with libraries to recreate the forms with Java.  The back-end is built with Oracle PL/SQL.  Their framework uses Eclipse Mars IDE and GIT.  The candidate should have intermediate experience with Oracle PL/SQL to deal with the data and database objects.  This person would be building a web-form within this framework.

The problem is that we don't know how to post an ad.  We posted an add with for Java developer but we are getting people that are heavy in the back end with Spring, Hibernate and a lot of experience getting data but that is basically taken care of by the framework.  We need someone that we can show how the Oracle form works, can learn how the Ellucian Banner forms are built that can build the same form.

Should be call it Java Form Developer with PL/SQL experience?  Java User Interface? Java Application developer?  

Can someone offer some guidance?  We have interviewed some people but need to hone our add a bit.

Thank you.
6 years ago