Daniel Demesmaecker

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since Sep 14, 2017
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Recent posts by Daniel Demesmaecker

I display tickers for crypto on my site that update dynamicly. To do so I use DataTables, I manage to update the table but but deleting and redrawing it all the time, which maks it inpossible to use the searchfunction or pagination.
The connection also dies after abouts 3 mins. Anyone an idea on how to improve? My javascript knoweledge is very limited

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Has nobody noticed that line 48 is in a loop all by itself? All that does is keep reading ints from System.in.
If you are trying to avoid a non‑int, that is the wrong way to do it. You wantActually you want a utility class for your keyboard input:-I am afraid you have some very bad design. Parallel arrays are a very bad and non‑object‑oriented design, and very error‑prone because it is easy to get the numbers out of phase. Create a Product class encapsulating price and description. Don't write all the names twice. Iterate the array and print the elements from the array.

Uhm... Yes...I did, I thought that was the loop that wasn't working...

Daniel Demesmaecker wrote:simply input dosn't have a value yet when it get's to the loop, use a do while instead...
and it's also unclear to me what you're trying to do, my guess is to make this work you'll need to move your menu and the adding of the price inside your loop....
I also wouldn't use 2 array's to keep track of the product and it's price but create an object for it

5 years ago
For some reasson I can't edit my post anymore, so I explain here the lol is not me laughing with the op it's just an anoying habbit of mine, sort of a catchphrase, please ignore it
5 years ago
Lol I maded the example in the mentioned thread... To help you you'll need to post the full error message, you're getting a nullpointer, check on what line to find out which component is giving you the nullpointer.
Show us your fxmlfile you maded with scenebuilder, did you mark your change method with @FXML?
5 years ago
I also wouldn't use 2 array's to keep track of the product and it's price but create an object for it
5 years ago
simply input dosn't have a value yet when it get's to the loop, use a do while instead...
and it's also unclear to me what you're trying to do, my guess is to make this work you'll need to move your menu and the adding of the price inside your loop....
5 years ago
you could use @Qualifier
5 years ago
What is the reasson you think there would be issues? Of there are and you would notice at runtime. I never boughtered to extra check my dependencies...  so i would say it's enough...
5 years ago
Which idea are you using? For intelij by example if you go to your projectstructure and click on problems you can see if there are any issues with your dependencies.
Most likely your idea will also red underline them in your pom and they will simply not work...
5 years ago
you way easier using a multipartfile to pass your file to your controller
5 years ago
As I see it you would have at least three packages entities (containing, what you call modes, objects to bind the data) examples would be user, shoppingcart, shopitem, ..., the second would be controllers to handle the data provided from your frontend, the controllers would call a service which would send the request to your third party api
5 years ago
Spring is not a language, it's a framework and is also written in java and my guess is you wouldn't need the services or implementations, they would be provided by the api.
I don't have to mutch experience with implementing thirth party payment services, but as I guess it would be the user clicks checkout and fills in the payment details, you use that information to sent a request to your thirth party services and they handle the handle everything and send you a response message to let you know if the payment is succesfull or not.
5 years ago
And what don't you understand? It's not initialized, meens you didn't assign a value to it, neigther for mutation4, if you would try to print that one out, you would get the same error
5 years ago

've tried tons of methods to resize things, set padding, preferd col/rows, alignments but like 90% of them do not work. What Ive managed to read online ab fx is that it somehow doesnt care because of a parent node?  

That's right, you can change the settings of your childnodes as mutch as you want, if the parrent node has a fixed size, it won't mather.
Start from the top down set all your containers to computed size and only change the width and higt of the element you wan't to change, that way if you change the childs size, the ancestors will automaticly recompute and change too
5 years ago
I think he means uploading the same file by several different users...
5 years ago