Jeff Holmes

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since Oct 04, 2000
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Recent posts by Jeff Holmes

I'm currently working woth an application is servlet based and is using cookies and has done so with out any problem. Just recently I have discovered a problem where cookies from one particular page of this application are not being written to the web browser. I have checked the data in the cookies, URL encoded them, and there isn't any exception thrown when adding them to the response. But the cookie is just not getting written. Any one have any ideas on why or where I can look to try and figure this one out? I'm stumped....
23 years ago
This goes out to Amit... Yes I am an experienced developer, but, Students can accomplish this too. It isn't an impossable assignment for you. It might take longer, but you can accomplish it. What's the worst that can happen? You don't get it your first time? Just use you resources here and give it a shot. Good Luck.
Just another thought on how to handle this, use a Vector that has the ability to grow and then convert the vector to an Array. The code is a lot easier. See Vecotor API and the toArray Method.
Trying either closing your stream to the file or set the othe File to null once it is created. Just check for it when doing the check. I believe this is where your problem lies. But aside from this, Why create a Lock file? It's not a requirement and you don't score extra credit for it? The ONLY thing this can do to you is hurt you.
I guess I really meant that I have found a lot of discussions that deal with to much detail. Just not on this board. For Eaxample, I just read here where there was a post that the person is trying to Create a Lock file. Why? It's not required.. You're not going to score extra points on it... Just stick to the requirements and don't get bogged down. That's what I trying to get to. I had to catch myself a couple of times from trying to put extras in, it doesn't serve a purpose and can ONLY hurt you.
I haven't been a partcipant in this forum much, but I wan't to share my score and maybe help with some high level questions on the SCJD. First off, here is what I scored...
General Considerations(maximum = 72): 64
Documentation(maximum = 10): 10
Object-Oriented Design(maximum = 6): 6
GUI(maximum = 20): 18
Data conversion program(maximum = 10): 7
Server(maximum = 37): 35
I scored 140/155 90%. In my book that isn't bad. Just wish I knew what I was taken off for, but that would take away the flexability in this assignment.
In a majority of posts I have read, people get to bogged down in details. I don't know if this is a lack of experience or because of the intensity of what the progammers test was. This certification was... More enjoyable.... Easier, yes in a sense it was hands on. Just remember, meet the specs of the project and document what you did. Not in rediculous detail.
The written test, easy... It took ten minutes. They allocate 150 minutes. I don't know why. But if you did your assigment you will be able to answer the questions. Also know the pros and cons of RMI vs. Object Serialization and you'll be fine. Hope this info helps, and good luck to all.
I have a ScrollPane that contains a JTable, I add a new line to the Jtable and the viewable area is to big, so the scroll area stays at the top of the jTable. I want to move to the bottom of the scroll pane as soon as the line is added. Here is the line that I have:
I have also tried:
This does not work right after adding the line to the jTable. But I do hava a JButton when action is performed runs the same code, and WORKS! I can not figure this out... Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago
I have a JTable that a user can select only one row and non of the fields are editbale, it is to display data only. I have the enter key captured when user presses a key, and I display a dialog when enter is pressed. Everything works great, but how do I stop the default behavior of the return key not causing the jTable to go to the next line? Any ideas? Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago
Thanks for the help, I was really hitting the wall on this one. It is greatly appreciated.
23 years ago
I am using a Toch Screen application that has multiple JPanels. One of the Panels has a button for a BackSpace Function. When a TextComponent has Focus, and the User presses the BackSpace Button, I want to invoke a KeyEvent for a KeyPressed or KeyTyped for the BackSpace. I have tried creating a KeyEvent, but I haven't had any luck. Can some one help me with this, I am stuck. Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago
I have a jar file that contains the classes to produce an applet on a web browser. The jar is signed, in the jar I have a file I wish to access. I have succeded in this command, URL url = NameOfClass.class.getResource(""); I get a value and it is the proper value. But how do I turn this URL into a file? I have used this method for getting an iamge, using Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url)); I didn't find anything like this on using a file? Any help... What about if I wanted to use a properties file in a jar? Thanks for your help. Jeff
23 years ago
When you use the runtime.exec() method it creates a Process object. One of the methods on the Process object is Process.destroy(); This should work? Haven't tried it.... Good luck. - Jeff
23 years ago
I am using a signed applet that utilizes the javax.comm package. I have used this package with out any problem on the same machine. I copied the comm.jar file into the jre/lib/ext directory along with the file. Also placed the win32com.dll in the jre/bin directory. When I run the applet I am not getting the port listings like I did when running on the same machine. A common cause for this is that the file is not in the proper place. But I think it is, but is this happening because the applet is running and the application can not find the file? I have tried different sub-directories and everything I can think of... Any ideas? Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago
I am using a signed applet that utilizes the javax.comm package. I have used this package with out any problem on the same machine. I copied the comm.jar file into the jre/lib/ext directory along with the file. Also placed the win32com.dll in the jre/bin directory. When I run the applet I am not getting the port listings like I did when running on the same machine. A common cause for this is that the file is not in the proper place. But I think it is, but is this happening because the applet is running and the application can not find the file? I have tried different sub-directories and everything I can think of... Any ideas? Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago
I am using a signed applet that utilizes the javax.comm package. I have used this package with out any problem on the same machine. I copied the comm.jar file into the jre/lib/ext directory along with the file. Also placed the win32com.dll in the jre/bin directory. When I run the applet I am not getting the port listings like I did when running on the same machine. A common cause for this is that the file is not in the proper place. But I think it is, but is this happening because the applet is running and the application can not find the file? I have tried different sub-directories and everything I can think of... Any ideas? Thanks, Jeff
23 years ago