Pourang Emami

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since Sep 21, 2002
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Recent posts by Pourang Emami

Would you please let me know what is the exact implementation of "Choreography Channels"? Are they just simply mapped to ports?
Thank you.
19 years ago
-How feasible is the use of UDDI for Dynamic Business Discovery?
-Is it something practically being run on emarketplace today?
-How does it provide the necessary trust for companies to do business together?
19 years ago
Does Web Services technology have a complete and reliable Security infrastrucature?
19 years ago
Could Web Services get automatically updated (Are there any common set of semantics upon which all participants agreed)?
19 years ago
Isn't there anybody who realy knows the answer?
19 years ago
I am wandering where exactly the BPEL and Choreography files reside? (in the APP Server next to WSDL files? or in a different machine controling various webservices machines?)

If you could refer me to a diagram it would be perfect and highly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
19 years ago
A WSDL file is an interface over an underlying process.
My question is that what is the proper way to define this interface.
is there just one WSDL file per a process? or there should be distinct WSDL file for each method (sub_process)in the main process?
Thank you for your answer.
19 years ago
Yes, but as the new edition is due on Octobor I am interested in a second hand book.
Is there any body in Canada offering the following book to sell:

"Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE� Technology Study Guide"
I am wondering if any body know any renowned OOAD certification in industry?
Inside our ActionForm class we declare attributes exactly according to the HTML form fields we have in our JSP file.
Should the name of these attributes inside ActionForm be exactly the same as the name of their counterparts inside HTML form? How we could have different names for them inside ActionForm?
For instance in JSP we have: "txtbUID", and in ActionForm we want to map this field to an attribute like "username"?
19 years ago
YES (some thing like maintaining the HttpSeeeion mechanism)
19 years ago
Thank you for your answer to the following question:

How could we aqcuire persistent objects in our application? Say for instance we want to cache a rrlational table elements into a Hashtable. What specifications this Hashtable and it's including class should have to remain in the memory for further reference?
19 years ago
Application: an EJB application

Scenario: Invoking an Entity Bean from inside a Session Bean. Send Entity Bean's attributes to client for presentation for inistance. We normally create a view class(like UserView) over the Entity Bean and send this class to the mediator. And this view class will be sent to presentation layer (for example a JSP).

Question: It'd be much more flexible if data (Entity Bean's attributes) will be sent to client as a XML file. If we want to pursue this approach

1- is it true that we do not need thoes view classes any more, and instead we should write Entity Beans' data into an XML file?

2- Then what are our choices to send these XML files to client?

3- What is the common architecture for XML data transportation?

Thank you for your help.
Yes, it's a common approach. But then Entity Bean attributes are written into a view class which is an ordinary bean class. And from now on this is this ordinary bean which is sent to a remote client(to skip RMI heavy transportation). And my question is here...