kevin Abel

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 15, 2018
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I have worked as both an employee and contractor since 1983. Most of the time I was working with QA Testing Tools from HP using mostly VBSCRIPT.  Later on I worked with TOSCA and Selenium.  I'd work on a remote project if asked to.  Otherwise I'l work on my other hobbies such as Swing Dancing, Playing my trumpet at a Restaurant, Writing an Android application, running a bicycle group and cruising.
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Pembroke PInes, Florida
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Recent posts by kevin Abel


i appreciate the warm boot explanation.   I'll stick with the cold boot for now.


6 hours ago

I appreciate the break down of the code.

I paid for 3 lessons with Android tutors on   I'll show each one my design document, the code that shows the GUI objects running, and the kotlin code.  I'll ask them to explain how they can help me get it to work.  

Once I choose the tutors I want I'll also show them your battery code.

From preply and my tutor I found out that:  
Work Manager is the one that will not go below 15 minutes. I think that I need to use Foreground Service with a Handler.

I need to see if your code uses any of these techniques.

Thank you,

6 hours ago

I don't know what a warm boot image is.  Does this have to do with the VM?
My tutor told me that on the Apple machine the entire thing started faster.  The emulator started faster and the application moved more quickly.  I didn't see it work so I'm not too sure what she meant.


You may have shown the battery code to me before.  I looked at in then and now and it is still above my knowledge level.  The Java code is more understandable to me than Kotlin, but I still don't know where the sleeping and waking up part happens.  

The code looks like it is in GitHub.  To run it do I have to make a new project and put the pieces of code in the correct parts of the project tree or is there a way that eclipse can work with the tree in Git?

My code is in Kotlin and one big mess in a single class.  To share it, am I better off pasting it in these chats or putting it into git.  I think I have a git account if I can find the username and pw.  I don't remember how to get code to staging and then push it to git.

I'm disappointed that my tutor left me in this mixed up place.  I think with a dozen more classes we could have cleaned up and finished the entire project.

In the old days I would have sat at my desk reading books, asking questions and experimenting.  Now I'm a lazy bones.


1 day ago
Hi Tim and Norm,

I wanted to write one Android App from start to finish.  I like the idea of my project a lot.  

I missed many phone calls on my Android phone because the ring tone went to low or silent.  My mother said the same thing happened to her occasionally.  I google the issue and see people having the same problem as far back as 2011.  We don't know if its the OS, an app doing this by mistake, virus,  the up/down switch changing to the event that moves the ring tone volume, or something else.

So my application is called Ringer Guard.   I want it to wake up in intervals set up by the user.  It will set the volume of the OS setting to match Ringer Guard and then go back to sleep.

I have the GUI working pretty good.  The code is all in one messy class.

I attached the GUI of the application.  The GUI works OK, but I don't know how to do the wake up and sleep part and also write to the log.

I worked with a tutor who did a nice job, but kept rescheduling classes.  Then she raised the price and then said she can't do it any longer.  I no longer have the patience to do this on my own.  I want a tutor who will explain what needs to be done,  provide code snippets where I need them.  I like to debug between class time and add a little functionality where it looks simple.

I could post my code and ask for assistance here, but I don't think its fair to the coderanch community to go step by step with me.   There are 4 tutors in my hourly price range on preply.  I will try an introduction class with each of them until I find someone I can work with.

My tutor told me that everyone Windows PCs for Android Studio has the same performance issue.   She said all the people she knows who use an Apple workbook say the code and emulator work so fast that there is hardly any wait time or at least the same as using the device hardware. The emulators start right away. I don't have the hardware to try it or I would.  

coderanch gave me an RSVF error when I tried to submit.  I opened a new tab in chrome and I'm trying again.



1 day ago
I don't know what an Oracle VM is.  I tried following the link, but there were too many things I don't know about such as LadyBug.  
I didn't realize that AS is done with Intellij.  

I got my partially written application running.  I had an error in the code so maybe it did not compile.  I'm surprised that a message did not come back saying "Hey I tried running your code, but it's broken".  

I have a lesson with my tutor in two hours.  I will close open applications and reboot before class.  

Its awful when it stops working in the middle of a tutor session because then we spend the entire time debugging.


3 weeks ago

I have 16 Gig of RAM.  I think it should be enough, but now maybe 32 Gig is standard.  

I forgot where the logs are.  My tutor might remember.

There were files that can be deleted in the explorer to kill the session.   I forgot how to do this.  Maybe chatGPT or YouTube can get me back to it.

I have waited over 10 minutes and the emulator does not start.

Thank you,

1 month ago
I can get the application to run on my real Android Note 20.  
I can no longer get my Kotlin code to run on any emulators in the Studio.  It just keeps trying to bring up an emulator.
I closed Android Studio.  Reopened. Rebooted PC.  
It still does not start emulators.  I added a new device to the emulator and it does not start either.
I went through my set of instructions for HAMX and it looks OK.

I look at the device manager and I can't stop the emulators once they try to start.  
I once saw the name and location of files to delete to stop the emulator but I forgot where the notes are.

I'll take any suggestions.  

Thanks all,

1 month ago
Stephan...I like the image.  I can't hear rhe lyrics clearly.
2 months ago
I sometimes write back:

May the Flying Spaghetti Monster Smother you with sauce and touch you with his noodly tendons.

Rigatoni 23:55
2 months ago
I live in Pembroke Pines, Florida.  It between the longitude of Miami and Fort Lauderdale but 15 miles inland.

When hurricane Milton was on its way toward Florida, I started getting prayer hand icons and hearts on Facebook.  

Im agnostic on religion.

What bothers me is I don't know the people posting the Emoticons to me.  I think the senders are using the hurricane to make themselves feel good.  They get instant gratification that they performed a good deed. It seems like an advertisement for the belief in prayer.  

My condo and auto are insured to the point that I won't be financially ruined if they are destroyed.  When the storms look bad, I use it as an excuse to visit my family up north.

I answered back rudely to one person saying "prayer is like watching your sports team and thinking that you are making a difference to the outcome of the score.  It does nothing".  It was rude of me, but I was working on getting flights out of Florida and it was annoying to see a stranger sending me the FB Posts.  

If I'm in a situation where I have no control such as a disease, I get some comfort from talking to the universe.  I'll even thank people for thinking about me and hoping for the best.  Sending energy my way or offering condolences feels good.  The part I don't like is when it seems like people are watching their phones for messages of a disaster and start sending emoticons.  

If I could draw well, I'd like to make an emoticon that stands for "I appreciate your thoughts, you don't really care,  you are only making yourself feel good by promoting your way of thinking,   you are a nuisance to me right now".  At the same time, I'd like to to seem friendly if possible.


2 months ago
I was chatting with Tim Holloway in Meaningless Drivel.  We were agreeing on a topic, but I didn't know if it was OK to write about it since it was controversial.  He told me about this place. It's really a great idea.  Thank you.

2 months ago

I have seen the name of the Rattlesnake Pit.  I didn't know what it meant.

My Android teacher wasn't feeling well and had to cancel Monday's class.  I hope she will be there for tonight's class.   It's strange to use the word "class" outside of OOPS.  

We decided the last time we met that the Ring Tone Volume can be set 3 ways:

1) From Android Settings as how it always worked.
2) Move the slider in our app and press a button to move the Android Setting
3)When our app wakes up according to the timer, notices the Volume dropped below our setting, and sets it.

The GUI is looking good after creating it in XML.  Now we are working more on the Kotlin.

2 months ago

That's how I feel also. I hope that since we are in the Meaningless Drivel section it's OK to have this conversation here.  I wouldn't want to turn the ranch into an argument place when I need code assistance.

By the way,  I'm making good progress with my tuto on the Volume Guard program.  I get the main idea of the xml for GUI and Kotlin, but I'd still need a tutor to write my next app.  

2 months ago
Ad Milton was approaching FL, I started getting prayer messages on Facebook.  It feels like believers in prayer use disasters as an advertising tool.  It's as if they look downward to these events to start blasting out their hearts icons and prayer hands.  Maybe since it didn't effect the Miami area I'm spoiled. I don't know why the people about to be hit don't drive away or take a vacation for a fee days until it passes.  If something is out of my control, ill be praying and crying, but God must be busy making sure gravity exists and planets rotate stars without me asking it to make the weather change.
3 months ago

I read that Sweet Tomatoes company may try for a come back.  They constructed buildings designed for the purpose of how the restaurant works. The one closest to me was knocked down and a Chick Fil et build a new structure for their store.  We now have about 10 of them within 15 minutes by car.  I like them a lot, but I miss the old place.   I'm wondering if there are still the old buildings around or if they will have to make all new ones.  They spent so much time and effort to finally make a profit and then covid killed them.

I forgot where you live.   You mentioned it before.

3 months ago