Archana Reddy

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since Sep 25, 2002
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You also don't have to sit for an SCJP upgrade exam for at least couple of years if you go for SCJP6. That's what I am going to take too.
I would say go for SCJP 6 as it is the latest and greatest.
Thanks much Ankit and Jesper- really helpful info.
Hi Folks,

I was wondering if the certificate or logo would be different if I took an upgrade exam versus complete exam.

It seems the upgrade exams have fewer questions and require the prerequisite of being SCJP 1.2.
But do the questions in the upgrade exam solely focus on the new features added in that version of Java ( say Java 1.5) ?
Can I add SCJP 1.5 to my credentials irrespective of what exam I took ( upgrade or took the whole exam from scratch) ?

Any insights are greatly appreciated.
I got 63 % in the ICE and 73 % in the real exam with no real preparation specifically towards this exam except that one month prior to taking this exam I took the SCBCD exam. Since EJB is very important component for this exam , brush up your EJB skills and as you have already got a good score in ICE, I feel it should be easy for you to pass this exam with a decent score. However, if you are aiming for nineties, then you defeinitely need to pay attention to the other subjects as well specifically - Servlets, JSP etc as mentioned in the objectives.
Archana Reddy
Good Work Davide !
Please count me from India .
21 years ago
Thank You !
I have decided not to take the IBM Certified Enterprise Developer track.
Hi All,
I have taken and passed the IBM 484 exam almost a month ago. So far, I have not recieved any certificate from IBM. Some where in this thread, I have read that we will get a certificate only if we pass all the exams in the certification track. If that it is true, then it's too bad all my effort towards the exam have nothing to show for. I feel a certificate should be given for passing individual tests too.
Hi All,
Just want to find out if any of those who have passed the SCBCD beta have recieved their certificates? How long will it take for us to recieve the certificates?
Thank you !
When it comes to in depth understanding of EJB or for preparing for SCBCD, EJB 2.0 specification found at Suns's website is the only thing you will ever need.
I have used Mastering EJB 2.0 by Ed Roman too. It is a good book for starters.
Also study noted by Valentin and preview chapters of Head First EJB by Kathy and Bert are very userful too.
21 years ago
I used the sample exams of both IBM 483 and 484 on IBM testing site ( ICE ).
My prior preparation for the SCBCD helped a lot. So sharpen your EJB skills for this exam in particular, apart from a solid understanding of J2EE technologies. Sun's J2EE tutorials are helpful for brushing up.
Thanks a lot to Evelyn and Kathy for giving the opportunity to hone my EJB skills and all ranchers , Valentin in particular for providing valuable tips on studying for this exam.
You guys are SIMPLY SUPERB !
Hi all,
I have passed the SCBCD with 85%. Very happy that I made it, but a little sad since I lost some precious time during exam and finish the exam under pressure due to disruptions in the exam centre.
21 years ago
Hi All,
I have passed IBM 484 with 73%. Eventhough, it is not a great score I'am happy because I had minimal if not zero preparation. I was planning to reschedule the exam for the nth time, but I had the exam on a Monday ,so had to take exam or forgo it since I didn't know the exam was on Monday and didn't reschedule it the previous week. However, I took the SCBCD exam one month back. So that helped a LOT.
Should have taken this exam immediately after the SCBCD, but I wanted to brush a little bit of other topics. So kept rescheduling IBM 484 but didn't get a chance to review anything as things got very hectic at home and work.
Anyway, I'am glad its behind me now.
Excellent job. Thanks a lot. Really vey useful and helpful.