Carlos Cuevas

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since Sep 26, 2002
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Whoops, this might jut be too late, but i just stteped into your query today, but anyways, here�s what I�ve acomplished when trying to solve the same thing... might work for someone

22 years ago
Hey everyone, I just encountered this problem and had another answer to it....
Some how I ran the J2EE.bat using a JAVA_HOME pointing to an JRE different to the sdk needed and corrrectly pointed by the JAVA_HOME used by the deploytool...
The two programs must point to the same JAVA_HOME amd must use an SDK.
hope it helps!
Thanks Chris, i will look onto that Java Service stuff, we�re currently trying with javaserv, but as you can see, the J2ee server wont survive logoff... hope this other one helps out...
Yup, i agree j2ee might not be the best option, but our app will be quite demanded (1000 transactions per minute)... before we used JBoss but it ran out of sockets to work out with all the transactions.... maybe we just dont know how configure it, do you have any suggestions?
Hey ranchers, has anyone successfully created a NT/2000 service that automatically starts J2EE and keeps it runing using javaserv.... we�ve achived half of it, it only starts when booting up the machine, but when we log into it, and then log-off, the service dies.
Hope anyone can help =)
Hey sandy, this has happened to us when other apps. (ex: Outlook) somehow use the 1050 port... you might wanna use j2ee on another port o change your app.....
just when u create ur frame, on its init method, use this:
22 years ago
to get rid of title bar:
just when u create ur frame, on its init method, use this:
22 years ago
just when u create ur frame, on its init method, use this:
22 years ago
just when u create ur frame, on it�s init method, use this...
22 years ago