Mala Gupta

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since Sep 27, 2002
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Recent posts by Mala Gupta

Hi Bart -

As you stated, Oracle only includes the general exam objectives and doesn't disclose the finer details.

or explicitly states is out of scope of the exam (certain operators, some API methods, Math class use, "synchronized", "native" specifiers etc.)

That's correct. You won't find questions on certain operators (like << or >>), API methods, Math class and non-access specifiers like synchronized and native on the 1Z0-808 exam. No, I haven't written the exam questions, but the exam questions that I have written myself, or others have shared (as doubts), doesn't include these.

You'll see the synchronized keyword in the 809 exam (but not native).

I recommend - when attempting the Enthuware exams, read the explanations of the questions which include these topics. The explanation includes adequate information on why an option is right or not. I wouldn't recommend reading extra content on these topics from other sources.

All the best to you.

With much respect,

Tim Cooke wrote:Cows and Cake (Pie) for you too Mala. Congratulations!!

Thanks, Tim!! :-)
7 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:
You were also in our last Journal that went out to members!

Woohoo! I just checked it out :-)

Thanks, Jeanne!!
7 years ago
Congratulations, Jeanne!!

I'm on the list too! An absolute honor!

With much respect,
7 years ago
Hi everyone -

Even though Java Certifications is one of the best ways to exhibit your proficiency in Java, I know that preparing for these exams can soon get overwhelming. To ease the process, I've created an interesting contest for the ones who are preparing for their first Java Certification - OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I.

In this contest, you'll write your OWN sample exam questions (doesn't it sound a lot of fun!), instead of answering the ones, written by someone else.

At the end of this week long contest, I'll share all these questions with all.

So what are you waiting for? INVOLVE yourself and LEARN Java.

Here's the link -


With much respect,
The ones which you can't answer ;-)

This exam will try to test whether you know your Java inside out. The questions will test this by using multiple combinations. The questions on seemingly harder topics like Date and Time API will be simpler and on seemingly simple topics like loops will be tricky.

Try to get the essence of the concepts - that will make the hardest questions simple. For an example, try to figure out what happens when you add or remove elements from an ArrayList. If you remove the second element from an ArrayList, with the third element move to the second element's position?

All the best to you.

With much respect,
Hi Shane -

I've included a lot of examples in the book. I'd recommend you write, compile and execute it.
As mentioned in the Twist in Tale exercises, please try to execute the same piece of code, with small changes here and there. It will help to get a hang of how even small changes can completely change the output of any code.

Attempt the same exam questions at the end of each chapter. They reinforce concepts and find missing links too! :-)

Its good to attempt complete mock exams after you are done with the individual exam topics.

All the best to you for your exam. May you pass it with flying colors!

With much respect,

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:
Love this quote. So true!

Being authors, both of us can understand the pain here! :-)

Hope you are doing good.


Daniel Lobo wrote:Hi all,

I found an error in Mala Gupta's OCA Java SE8 (page 238).

See page 238:

In the preceding code, the call to lang1.substring() and lang2.subtring() will return "Ja".

The call to lang1.substring() and lang2.subtring() will return "J" instead of "Ja" because the substring method doesn't include the character at the end position (1) so only the position 0 ("J") will be returned.

Hi Daniel -

Thanks for posting it.

You are correct. lang1.substring(0,1) returns 'J'.

A lot of folks ask me - how is it that simple errors like these aren't noticed during the content review cycles.
My response - You can compare books with software. Perhaps an open bug on the system is due to changes in the code that fixed a bug in its last cycle. :-)

I've added it the book's errata. I'll post the link to the errata soon.

Thanks again.

With much respect,
Its obvious that you get curious with such combination (Garbage collection & String pool), even though it isn't covered in the OCA Java SE 7/8 Programmer I & II exams.

I have created a series of blog posts on String pool (limiting its coverage to the exam):

You can also access 15 free sample questions on String pool using this link:


With much respect,
Hi Maxwell -

Don't worry; you aren't alone. This is one of the questions, asked often by new programmers or new Java programmers.

Only one copy of a static variable exists, which is shared by all the instances of that class. When a class is loaded in memory by Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a class's static variables are also made accessible. So you don't need instances of a class to access its static members. You can use a class name to access its static variables.

Accessing static variables is confusing at times because Java allows usage of both - class name and an instance variable, to access a static variable.

For example, for the following class:

You can access the static variable, by using the class name (that is, Book) or by using the name of its instance variable (refVar):

All calls to System.out.prinltn() in the preceding code, will output 'Comic'.

If you understand the above explanation, answer these question for me:

1) Why is the 'main' method in an executable class, defined as a static method?
2) Who calls this 'main' method?

Good Luck!

With much respect,

Oracle has hosted links to free sample questions for OCA/ OCP Java versions 5, 6, 7 and 8 certification exams on their webpage, accessible using the following link:  

Don't miss them!


With much respect,
Hi Jason -

Here's how you can use () to modify and compile the code:

With much respect,
An interesting observation, Jason.

I modified your code. Do you think the following modified version of your code will compile?


With much respect,

Gautham Muralidharan wrote:

The output for the above code snippet is a NullPointerException.
But it was mentioned that the answer is null in the webpage where I found the question.
Which is the correct output?

Hi Gautham -

To prepare for this exam, write, compile and execute multiple code snippets; to understand Java topics.

The questions in this exam will try to ensure that you know your Java inside out. Only reading and trying to comprehend code won't help.

Good Luck to you.

With much respect,