Rob Frank

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since Apr 30, 2018
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Haven't posted here since I've been out of my college courses but I read your email. I'm only 33 so not ready to make a giant move but I grew up on Alot of land and would have rather had my grandparents do something like this instead of it getting ruined by my relatives. Also my dream someday would be to have alot of land with fields and woods. I love this idea and hope that it works. We don't need more developments. The house I'm at now has a decent yard and woods to the back. I have to live an hour from my workplace because this is the closest area I could afford to have a little piece of what I wanted for my kids.
3 years ago
well my problem is in my  module. my function calcSub() . I'm trying to search the cart items for my loop. however i have never done this before and it would appear that  using ".Contains" is not the correct way to go. It does not pick up anything in my cart items. I have tried


can't make anything of that really do anything.
6 years ago
ok so i'm still on this for anyone who cares. I cannot get my numbers to populate in my labels. I just get zeros. I have inserted breakpoints and i can't figure this out....

main form

second form

third form

and a module containing the variables and functions

I'd really appreciate any help as always. One note I should be able to get a count going instead of using the for loop. but either way i can't make that work. I run the program and intTotal = 0 decSub=0 and so on. No errors are found. And sorry for the lack of comments. I should be doing them as i go but i've gotten so frustrated i've been deleting and changing stuff all over the place.
6 years ago
well i guess i'm just posting this for anyone searching the web for the answer like me lol. took me awhile to find out how to do this.  but here it is.

6 years ago
ok so i fixed it half way. i can have it add items like i need. no problem there. however i want it to also remove the items from that list box as they are added to the next. what i have is.

if i add this i get Exception thrown: 'System.InvalidOperationException' in System.Windows.Forms.dll

6 years ago
ok so i have 3 forms. 2 of which are populated and i need to take the selected items from those listboxes and add it to the main which is empty. so this is what i have. I have no errors but it also does nothing. any help will be appreciated.

this is the form that contains the empty listbox.

and this is one of my populated listboxes that i'm trying to remove items from there and add them to the main listbox.

i believe my problem is in line 8 of my second form. I have it as New MainForm. which i assume is creating a new form as it implies. i want to modify the current form that is already being displayed. I'm not sure what to put there instead of new though since i really just want to modify it.
6 years ago
A lot of good advise thankyou. I will  check into those addons. Visual studio has a lot of great features and the only issue  I found with the 2015 edition is that the undo button doesn't  always light up. From what I can tell it's a known issue. I really do like the suggestions it gives when I code wrong really saves me from pounding my head like I did with Java using netbeans. But if these addons will go past what what VS already does that would be awesome.
6 years ago
Ok thanks. I appreciate it. I made some of the changes you recommended. I kept the integer and the zero errors separate only because i think the problem in the book wants both error messages. Not sure if it makes a difference or not in my grade. just playing that safe. I added the exit subs in last. I found some input online searching when i couldn't get my error messages to stop. I was a little confused because I did if statements in java and didn't have a problem and when i did if, else if and else it seemed to play through the whole thing instead of stopping at the first error message. I see you say its just your opinion not to use exit sub so can i ask what your preferred method is? I don't have very many opinions on any of this since it is still all very new to me.
6 years ago
i'm using visual studio 2015 enterprise. I have no errors or trouble. I was simply looking for someone with experience to tell me if i need to improve on anything in my code to possibly make it cleaner or more simple.
6 years ago

I guess vb isn't as popular as java lol.
6 years ago
Hi I found this forum very helpful before in my java class and figured you guys could share some insight on my vb class. My professor  doesn't seem to share anything about any assignments being turned in so ya i can't determine if i'm really doing any of this stuff right. so this is the code that i came up with for a calories from fat calculator. it seems to work just fine and i have all my error messages working the way i want them to. It does seem rather drawn out to me. i'm not sure if it can be cleaned up and shortened but it is similar to other examples in the chapter i am on.

6 years ago
well other people posting what they think is the correct way is very useful even if i don't use it. it is a great way for me to see how things can be used and work. i should have became a member of this site a while ago. even though i didn't have that much trouble with previous assignments allowing other users to input their ideas would have really broadened my knowledge of using java. once again thanks to all that have replied. and thanks to you guys this assignment isn't graded yet but i'm sure i will get a good score on it and should finish with over 100 percent with the extra credit i'm due on some previous projects.
6 years ago
this is all really good stuff. i can see how only knowing how to do a few things with java can really complicate the code. not sure learning how to complicate the code should be in a beginning java class. anyways i removed my do while loop for the count and added a brace to move my output outside the loop. that did correct it and the program works fine. at this point it looks like the program functions the way it should and only includes items that i have gone over in this class.  and building the array using joptionpane wasn't something i came up with. that was the program i was instructed to build previously and had to work off of that. yes i see that it again complicates things.  i do think that if i take another java class i'll invest in a real book. the required book for this class was alice 3 with java and while alice 3 is "fun" i didn't find it very useful in taking up so many pages in the book and not going over enough actual coding.
6 years ago
i'm also wondering if count A , B, C, D and F can be made into an array. i'm done being stressed about this now so i would actually like to spend some time with this program and learn.
6 years ago
you are correct it does crash when a letter is entered. although i do not think its required at all to actually fix that for this assignment i am very curious on how you do that. i tried to change my statement to something like if scores != Integer and other things like that and it doesn't even come close to working or really giving me any other ideas.
6 years ago