Passed today my SCJP 1.4 with 91%
Thanks a lot guys for maintaining such a wonderful site! All your valuable comments, discussions and ideas have helped me tremendously. My preparation was:
1. Read Khalid Mughal's book very thoroughly
2. Solved all of Dan's Topic exams
3. Solved Marcus Green's Exams.
4. Read Sun's Assertions tutorial
5. Read a short article on hashCodes.
Special thanks to Dan: The topic exams are immenslly helpful in learning key ideas and avoiding many many mistakes. You can't miss them! Marcus Green's exams are also wonderful, and give you a feel of the real exam ( I felt The real exam was easier though). Needless to say, Mughal's book is simply the best!
Paradoxically, after finishing the exam on the same day I got a job offer as a .NET developer!!! Do you beleive this???
And I mainly have a Java development background!!
What I came to realize is that there was something even more valuable to this certification than learning Java, which I beleive
was the value you gain by setting a personal goal and striving to achieve it. You actually learn a lot about yourself, not just're own strengths and weaknesses as an individual! What things about you that may hinder you from future successes and what attitudes that you have that are a necessary ingredient! So I guess Java afterall is not the end...but could be the means to self discovery!!!