Paul Adams

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since Jun 06, 2018
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Recent posts by Paul Adams

Gentlemen, thank you for your advice and recommendations – it’s all very useful to me. I like the idea of using Apache Derby a lot. I’ll probably work on building some data models using that and then move them to a local DB when the data becomes large.

Currently, I have about 25 rows of completely flat integer and double data, three columns wide. The data will never change, but will be appended to. I haven’t decided for how long the data will be stored, but probably for about a year. However, I don’t think I would collect more than maybe 100k rows in this timeframe.

Also, I did decide to separate the values with commas; my reasoning is that I’ll more confident about the consistency of my data if I’m parsing at commas instead of blanks.

Thanks again!
5 years ago
Hello everyone/anyone :-)

I'm working on a network application that reads web data, parses it and processes it with conditional logic. Now, I'm wanting to store the data so I can run analysis on historic data at some point in the future. The book I have isn't very telling and I'm not able to find conclusive support for a particular method online. What I'm considering now is storing these values in a tab-delimited text file since I don't have any local database on my PC. Ultimately, though, I would like to be able to use Java to take the data directly from the text file (if this is where I should store it for now) and insert it into a table in SQL Server so I can query it. However, since I'm still far off from using SQL Server, is storing in a text file the best practice? Also, would it be impractical to take the data from the text file and insert it into a database table someday? Please share your thoughts. Thanks in advance!
5 years ago
Is there a benefit in using JPanel with a button that links to another JPanel instead of using a JTabbedPane? I'm looking to have separate JPanels or JTabbedPanes that have completely different buttons and actions from one another within the same application. However, I'm not sure if JPanels are faster, easier, or more capable. Is there any common understanding about which is preferred in this type of scenario or is it just about visual semantics? Thanks in advance!
5 years ago
Norm, yes - exactly. And thanks for the heads-up; next time I'll be sure to post the error message(s) that so joyfully accompany my ineptitudes  
5 years ago
Ok, I figured it out (please correct my if my terminology is wrong - I'm new to Java and OOP, but definitely want to improve my terminology). The issue (particularly as related to line 3) is that I was adding the ImageIcon object with the global variables and then instantiating the frame's to use that for an icon all in the same location. Once I instantiated the object (icon) in the constructor, the frame applied the icon. I'll provide a snippet of the code below in case anyone in the future has a similar issue.

Campbell, I'm definitely going to try the JScrollPane now that I've got it working. Thanks for the help guys!

5 years ago
I need some assistance figuring out how to add an icon to a JFrame. I have the following code, but am unable to get it to work due to issues with line three. Does anyone in the community have any ideas what I'm doing wrong or if I completely missed something? Thanks in advance!
5 years ago
I've been searching online, but did not find conclusive direction and am not really sure where to start with this - so I figured I'd ask the Ranch community for some help. I'm looking to build a connection method to Hadoop that could support multiple users simultaneously. If anyone can share some insight, I would really appreciate it. I can provide details if needed.
5 years ago
Thank you both for your responses. Do you have any favorite resources you would care to share? I know that's a vague question, but I'd like to gather a couple of places some of you more experienced programmers refer to.
5 years ago
I'm new to Java and it seems to take me a pretty lengthy amount of time to get programs written, tested, and successfully compiled. I'm assuming this will take some time and I'm definitely invested in doing this because Java is an amazing language with so many uses to turn ideas into substance. That said, I'm curious to know from the ranch community, roughly how long it took you programming regularly to become comfortable enough to be able to write programs free-hand to completion without reference - or does one really ever get to the point they don't need to use references?
5 years ago
Good afternoon everyone. I'm new to Java and currently in a class where I need to display (and test) my applet in a web browser using HTML code. I'm able to get the string of the test program to display on the browser, but not the actual window. I've placed the HTML inside a .html file in the same folder under the same class name as the program I'm trying to view, but am having no luck. The program compiles and displays the window when run through command prompt, but does not display in the browser. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it! I've used my search engine tirelessly without luck.

Here is the HTML code I'm using (the string displays, but window does not):

Here is the program (I have a much longer program I'm trying to run, but decided to test a smaller one for debugging) -  and thank you in advance!:

5 years ago