Adrian Grabowski

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since Jun 22, 2018
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Recent posts by Adrian Grabowski

Before thinking about design patterns I would try to figure out why they want it to be rewritten from scratch, what is the reasoning, was it hard to maintain or were there some other factors like compliance with some standards?
3 months ago

Lou Hamers wrote:

But I don't understand why devs are so CHEAP. Unless you're in school or something, we get paid pretty well (and students get discounts).. so why is almost nobody willing to spend a little on quality tools that they use almost daily to make a living? If that's not important enough to fund it, what is?

I would totally spend money on my favourite IDE if I was self-employed and I currently use IntelliJ Ultimate at home (with student discount), I also use GitHub co-pilot when needed. I also don't mind spend money on good programming books and online courses. But at work... it's not my responsibility to buy stuff (not sure if that would even be legal) and I don't care that much what they want me to use, I'm more interested in the tech stack, clean code, architecture and staying away from front-end development as far as possible.
9 months ago
By all means use a simple text editor and command line at the very beginning. It's probably also useful to learn Maven (later on) by only using command line so you'll understand what's going on. But don't spend too much time doing that. Switch to an IDE as soon as you cover the basics. A very simple one is BlueJ (not used in the real world but quite good for learning OOP concepts), then you have NetBeans (still quite easy to use), Eclipse (slow and buggy but many people love it so try it) and, my favourite - IntelliJ (that's also the most popular one).
9 months ago
You are not deleting it, you are just removing the reference to organization. That's probably not what you want.
Why not call delete method in assetRepository?

Ali Mustafa wrote:just to learn how ppl make these types of applications

It's good that you're trying to write your own stuff instead of just following tutorials, that's the best way to learn. But at this stage it would be good to go back to the basics. I suggest you google stuff like:

* Object Oriented Design
* Code Smells
* Design Patterns
* SOLID principles

(I can help with recommending books or other resources if you wish)

but also some low level stuff like:
* how primitives like int or double work in Java (or other languages)
* how to compare floating point values
* when not to use floating point variables

And then slowly try to fix your code step by step. Start with the design, try first to describe the problem in plain English, then you'll come up with ideas of which classes you need and how they should interact with each other.  Separate gui code from business logic. Actually, as others have said, don't write GUI just yet, just the business logic and add simple unit tests to check if the code is working correctly.
1 year ago

Tim Holloway wrote:To do well at Spring Boot, you must first do well at Spring.

To do well at Spring, you must first do well at Java.

It's also a good idea to become familiar with how webapps work, since Spring Boot operates via an embedded webapp server.

I see your point but also, there nothing wrong with playing with Spring Boot straight away after learning basics of Java. It's also much less painful than "normal" Spring. And it doesn't have to be anything web related. You can use it for writing console apps - check out this module , pretty fun to use.
1 year ago
I always tune my CV for a specific job and remove keywords and technologies which I'm sure that either won't be relevant or that can be implied. In some countries recruiters use tools that could discriminate against CVs with too many keywords (or not enough matched ones). My rule of thumb is to look at the job advert and see what they mention there. You basically want to have just the right number so the AI/non-technical person won't bin it but at the same time doesn't look weird to the rest of us.
1 year ago
When should we not consider using lambdas and streams while writing new code or refactoring?
1 year ago
Welcome Venkat!

I remember watching your talk on Devoxx Youtube video on lambdas and streams when I was just starting to learn how to program back in 2016, I had already covered basics of OOP by then and wanted to understand functional programming so I watched the whole video in a gym, while running on a treadmill! I think I passed my Oracle exam thanks to that video and consequently was able to get my first job. So, a big thank you!

1 year ago
Other technologies to consider:

jHipster - used to quickly generate the whole app using any of the common front and back-end frameworks
Flutter - uses Dart language (which is very nice) and allows to create mobile/web/desktop apps from single code base
1 year ago
I'm not sure if that's allowed but I think it is...

There is a pretty good deal on Humble Bundle (includes OCP books and some other interesting ones)
1 year ago
Out of curiosity... what is the reasoning behind mixing camel case, snake case and whatever 'getTSHELFLIFE' is?
1 year ago
I'm not sure if that (or any other) microservices certification would be worth anything. I think it would be much more useful to start using it in your own projects. And it will probably be useful to understand the theory behind microservices and reactive programming. I've never used it professionally so hopefully somebody with more knowledge will respond soon but here are some resources that I found helpful:
1 year ago
Wow, I didn't know about that at all, I've never received any notifications from github so I wrongly assumed that there was nothing happening there! Looks like I need to catch up, thanks!
1 year ago