William Varner

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since Jul 06, 2018
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Recent posts by William Varner

A closing curly brace is missing for the if statement, or the while loop!

Also, do y'all recommend doing a "sc.nextLine()" after scanning in an int? I was taught that this was very important.
5 years ago
You got it, Head First Java: a Brain-Friendly Guide. I haven't made it far into it yet, because I have to complete a html/css/javascript prerequisite for the program. I'm almost done with that though, and it's on to Java.
5 years ago
Yes I am. I am enrolled in a bootcamp in Louisville, Ky called the "Software Guild." I know that there is a lot of debate as to whether these boot camps are useful, but everything I have seen about this one makes me believe that it will be worth it. It begins on August 13th, so I am trying to build a framework of fundamental knowledge on the language before I dive in.

Ok! Should I delete this thread and move to the introduction one?
5 years ago
Hello! My name is Will. I am beginning my journey into learning the Java language, and the book I purchased to help me recommended that I join this group and forum so here I am! I look forward to asking stupid questions that I should probably already know the answers to, and to getting to know y'all also!

Best to everyone,

5 years ago