I have the following problem in pl/sql
i have a select statement
select a into b from c
where d in (1,2,3)
Here d column is a number column and in the select query the d will be tested dynamically
like instead of 1,2,3 it will be a variable. But the problem is how to populate the variable say e. If e is an varchar then e will be like
e := 1||','||2||','||3
and in the where clause if i replace d in (1,2,3) to d in (e)
this will give invalid number problem in the select statement since d is a column.
If i declare e as number then i cannot use the comma symbol and concatenate the numbers.
Another point is this 1,2,3 is just the data in reality it may be any amount of number like either
1 or 1,2 or 1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4 etc
Please can anyone send the clarification.