Dez Max

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Recent posts by Dez Max

Did you solve this issues :
" [WARN] Unable to generate EPR for the transport : http"

I too am getting this error while trying to generate WSDL given a java service class using JAVA2WSDL in Axis2.

Need your help in this regard.

15 years ago
I've been using Myfaces implementation of JSF for couple of months but didn't do any sort profling and facing issues with memory footprint now.
I'm using datatable for rendering personal information of employees. Each row corresponds to a employee object, the row has just 10 columns.
However, we're not using the pagination (that's the last resort - > as the users get annoyed with it). It works fine in terms of memory footprint and CPU, when the dataset the table renders is small, but when the size of the datasets is large(talking about 1000 or more), I get out of memory error even though the Managed Bean is request-scoped. So when the number of user increases, this leads to a serious issues of server crash, hang etc.
On profiling using yourtoolkit, I found that faces context never releases the memory used by components and the behaviour is erratic. The GC kicks in after certain stage which is not very useful. Even for a table of small data rows, it doesn't seem to release the memory.
So even the pagination doesn't seem to solve the out-of-memory issue as the web site will be used by at least 4000 users.

Has anyone faced similar issues? Would appreciate your help in this regard.
18 years ago
I'm using t:datatable myfaces extension implementation of JSF data table. The value of datatable is bound a request-scoped backing bean property (ArrayList of POJO). The business service class returns list of POJOs which I diplay them as rows in the table. The issues that I have with the datatable is, when the arraylist is empty or size == 0, the datatable renders stale data(old copy of the values of HTMLDataTable). I don't want to mixed the component and data logic, hence looking for cleaner approach and trying to avoid looking up the component from and setting the values of HTMLDataTable. I regenerate the list of POJOs when users selects an options from the combo box, so at times the list is empty based on the list returned from the service class, at times its not. It works fine when its not empty, but it still displays the previous list values(stale data) when the current list returned is empty.
The preserveDataModel is set to false;

Has anyone experienced similar problem? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
[ December 14, 2006: Message edited by: Dez Max ]
18 years ago
Hi Folks,
I've a doubt in ejbCreate() method of entity bean. In
EJB2.0 why does the ejbCreate() methods of Abstract Bean class
returns null instead of returning primary key. For example

public Integer ejbCreate(Integer id){
return null;

what's the rationale behind this and how does ejb container
implements this?
I too am looking forward for SCBCD exams. Well, i learnt that HEAD FIRST EJB is undisputed book for the exam. However, i would like to kow one thing, which application server is used to develop,deploy and test the beans.
I would appreciate your help.
Dez Max
Hi Maulin,
Thanks for the reply.
21 years ago
Hi All,
I'm not sure if this is right place to pose such a question. I've a doubt of which parts of memories are being used by Java Programs as it executes in JVM. Any thoughts,suggestions and URL source would be greatly appreciated.
Dez Max
21 years ago
I'm facing a problem in writing row level trigger for each row after insert.
My requirement is whenever the salary is inserted in emp table , i want to update the commission column as well and this has to happen for each row that gets inserted. But as the trigger is i'm trying to update the same table in question
i.e. mutating table...i get error
ORA-04091: ... is mutating, trigger/function may not see it ORA-06512....
Do you have any work around for this sort of requirements?
Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I have the following problem in pl/sql
i have a select statement
select a into b from c
where d in (1,2,3)
Here d column is a number column and in the select query the d will be tested dynamically
like instead of 1,2,3 it will be a variable. But the problem is how to populate the variable say e. If e is an varchar then e will be like
e := 1||','||2||','||3
and in the where clause if i replace d in (1,2,3) to d in (e)
this will give invalid number problem in the select statement since d is a column.

If i declare e as number then i cannot use the comma symbol and concatenate the numbers.
Another point is this 1,2,3 is just the data in reality it may be any amount of number like either
1 or 1,2 or 1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4 etc
Please can anyone send the clarification.
21 years ago
Hi Folks,
I would like to know
what is association,aggregation and composition? what is the difference between them?
I'm newbie in pl/sql and would like to know what ref cursor is and what is the driving requirement that caused the introduction of ref cursor.
22 years ago
the actual problem is i want like the below query
Select fielda, fieldb
from table_b b, (select fieldb from a_table where a_table.linked_field = b.linked_field) a
and not here
WHERE a.linked_field = b.linked_field;
but the above condition is failing telling
invalid column name for b.linked_field.
22 years ago
I have a requirement
of selecting the records in which the column
itself has a select statement(example stated below) into a ref cursor.
is it possible by using execute immediate.
type emp_cur is ref cursor;
Open emp_cur for
Select CompanyId,
(select locationname from location
start with locationid = l1.locationid
connect by prior parentid = locationid) country
from company,location
where company.locationid = location.locationid
order by 1;
When i execute it in pl/sql it is not recognizing
the select statement used as a column. if i use
execute immediate how to select the result into
ref cursor since my final destination is ref cursor
22 years ago
Only to grep the lines whose third words matches the patterns specified. Can it be done in shell scripts?
I've manage to do it using awk.
22 years ago
hi Folks,
I know the command
grep -l 'pattern1' filename
print lines matching the pattern. I have a requirement to grep lines for multiple pattern,
for example , i want all the lines containing 'word1' or 'word2' or both. How can i use grep facility?
22 years ago