Denis Nikashin

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since Jul 28, 2018
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Recent posts by Denis Nikashin

O, I didn't manage to correctly issue my post, but the rest of the code has not changed.
6 years ago
Thank you for your answer, but I managed to find another solution. However, it does not completely solve the problem. I can change languages, but one language remains inactive. To achieve this, I changed the method of the ShiftaleButton (). I attached my new solution as a file to this message. Thanks.
6 years ago
Thanks for your advice, but I can't do it, because my post is very long. I can show link on GitHub repo with source code its I want to change. I'm so sorry.
link on GitHub repo with virtualKeyBoard

Also here is a link to my post on another forum, however it is Russian-speaking
6 years ago
Thanks for your advice, but I can't do it, because my post is very long. I can show link on GitHub repo with source code its I want to change. I'm so sorry.
link on GitHub repo with virtualKeyBoard
6 years ago
Hi there. I very hope on your help. I found an on-screen keyboard on javaFX. On the assignment, I need to add support for the Ukrainian language. Change the language I knotted on the button metaKey. The problem is that when you try to hang a listener on this button (toggleButton), because of the lambda-based handler, all the code breaks. I understand logically what needs to be added, but the functionality is not enough knowledge. Push me please in the desired direction. Thanks in advance.

Here is the actual code:

The Main.class
6 years ago