Flaviu Vanca

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since Sep 28, 2018
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Congratulations Scott and Jeanne for the new book.
Looking forward to read it and prepare for a certification update.
Hi Ritchie,

I am at the beginning of my journey as a java developer and I passed the ocp se8 not long ago, as java is getting updates more often I want to keep up the pace and java 17 (its not available at the minute but it won't be long until will release) is the latest update.
Thank you so much I really appreciate your advice.

Kind Regards,
3 years ago
Brilliant, thank you Adam.
3 years ago
Hi Kishori & Adam,

Congratulation for your book release.
My question is:
Is the book aimed to pass the exam 1Z0 - 829?
If yes.
Will the book cover all the topics for the exam 1Z0 - 829?

Kind Regards,
3 years ago