Roger Gazdzicki

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Roger Gazdzicki

No it is ed

Link brings a tear to my eye

I am curious if there is anyone willing to convert the resin-jbuilder.jar file to work with jbuilder 2005?

19 years ago
Greetings all,

I am looking to integrate Jbuilder 2005 and Resin. I have tried some of the older plugins off of Caucho's website but failed. I have searched the internet from beginning to end and seem to run out of luck.

I came here because I know you guys are smarter than the internet.

Thanks for any help

But the mssoap toolkit is geared for microsoft stuff not java or am I missing something
20 years ago
Is axis soap necessary for the java client to call an asp DLL or is there another way?

20 years ago
<action path="/register1" type="coreservlets.RegisterAction1">
should read
<action path="/register1" type="coreservlets.RegisterAction1" />
20 years ago
I am using logon in action mapping. I have tried both ways but found the problem in my global forwards. I was forwarding to success.jsp not Sucess.jsp.
This proves that resin is not case sensitive when it comes to web naming.
20 years ago
I have a interesting situation. I have designed a struts logon application. The program loads in Resin, but when you enter information and click on Submit, Resin locks up and nothing is returned. If you run the same application in Tomcat 4.0.6, it gives the following error

And the cmd window shows

Is Tomcat case sensitive where Resin is not?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
I am interested in wireless device programming and wonder if the devices have caught up with desktops in terms of understading code.
I had issues with wireless devices not understanding xml or stylesheets.
21 years ago
I understand the concept of struts and the MVC. I am trying to incorporate a fourth layer which will interact with the database only. So my controller would talk to this 'data layer' which would talk to the database. The only thing I am unsure about is where would the interaction between these 2 layers take place? The action form or the action class? Any theories.
21 years ago
I have been looking at the HTML editor in open office. Does anyone have any other comments on it?
Doesn't struts take care of all validation itself. I thought it had built in routines for integer and nulls?
22 years ago
Will this book teach an idiot like me or is there some expected expertice needed?
22 years ago
I would like a copy too. I am new at this and trying to decide which is the best tools.
Too many to try.
22 years ago