Fred Grott

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since Oct 05, 2002
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Recent posts by Fred Grott

Tim, one fourth of that is straight form the Android SDK itself and the Maven android plugin often is not updated for months after the SDK updates..

Tim Holloway wrote:Yikes!

I'm afraid I'll stick to Maven for Android. Probably just as much ugliness, but it's a bit more out of sight.

Anyway, thanks for the contribution!

14 years ago
I put up a knol showing the ANT build script i use to build android java applicationns, its at:

14 years ago
Google Knol..Tim
14 years ago
Advance Tabs Knol on how to customize Tabs:

Advance Tabs Knol
14 years ago
I put up a knol, Android Resouces for Development at
Android Resoruces for Development
14 years ago
Yes you will get a GC operation on the views when changing orientations

Is there any way to use Canvas, bitmap, and paint and record the drawing of image one time use the recording?

That would be less memory intensive..

15 years ago
Yes you will want to degrade the image to reduce the file size:

if can involve
-adjusting color depth downward
-set higher image compression before saving image

15 years ago
Yes to all

The only thing missing at this time is the XMLHttpRequest object which means you do the old hide iframe techniques for ajax..
15 years ago
move js files to assts folder instead of downloading them.

Alos certain DOM ajax styles are bad performance hits ie iUI i sba dbut CiUI is good and the only change was the way ajax DOm was handled in both libraries
15 years ago
Since you cannot launch apk form Sd card I would imagine it would not matter as you would not be ale to call classes of apk on sd card as well..

Asif Kadiwala wrote:Hi,

After android 1.0 onwards, android is not providing any permission to access .apk files at the runtime. So Regarding android Hacking chapter, Is there any way to change that permission and call the .apk file at the runtime which resides in the /sdcard.

My aim is to transfer a .apk file from the desktop during the application execution , store it in the /sdcard and call it dynamically using PathClassLoader.

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
would be problematic as Android has a policy of not supporting AWT on Android ie you would have AWt on desktop but not on Android
15 years ago
See xda-developers forum as they would have the answer

Eric Goh wrote:Hi,

Android phones are currently still expensive.

However, I do have a Dopod 838p, running Windows Mobile 6.0. Wondering if I can do a clean format and just install Android onto this device as OS.

Is this possible?

Best regards

15 years ago
Not that I know of
15 years ago
You could do a hybrid mobile app using webview since both Android and iPhone use webkit
15 years ago