Hi there,
Udacity offer some excellent online video-based courses on Android, taught by members of the Google Android team. Just go to the following link:
Developing Android Apps
and try it out. It's free but you can enroll in their Android Developer Nanodegree if you want to be certified. I have taken this course and its excellent -- it will have you build a Popular Moves app that pull movie information from The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and will also walk you through:
* Using Android Studio
* Activities and Fragments
* UI Development and customization (layouts, resources, drawable, etc.)
* Cursors and Content Providers
* AsyncTasks, Loaders, and SyncAdapters.
* Networking
* JSON Parsing
* Services
* And much more
The instructors are well-known and respected in the Android development community, including:
* Reto Meier, is an Android Advocate for Google
* Katherine Kuan is developer of the Google Keep application
Anyway, I heartily recommend it :-)