dema rogatkin

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since Oct 09, 2002
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Recent posts by dema rogatkin

I have to deploy my WS under .net. So I need UDDI. What are you guys using?
18 years ago
Are you looking for open source? I have a couple implementations for internal use.
18 years ago
It's exactly my point. Any discussion with moderators is considering as hi jacking or something like that. Position of moderators is very arrogant to other members. I consider it's very useful if any topic is digging a bit around to give a better overview of a problem. It can be helpful to avoid a creation of a bunch of similar topics. Members can do just a search to find an answer.
18 years ago
Moderators of this forums seems to deaf to opinions not matching to their own and remove such posts without any note. It's very disappointing. I expected more respect to members of forum. I do not want to stay here after, so please finish your dirty job and remove me as a member too.
18 years ago
You can write a servlet which you will access using a browser. HTML page for control of functionality should include buttons (links) like run, stop, check and so on for your service. Servlet uses method doGet instead of main. A request can have parameters you normally get in main as well. doGet will be called one you click above command links.
18 years ago
I have feeling that servlet specification 2.6 should include methods to unload servlet. I notice that question about destroy is so frequently asked. From other side probably destroy needs to be renamed to something more clue giving, like onPreUnload().
18 years ago
Can it be configured as a proxy to avoid manual aiming?
You need to write a simple servlet or JSP which sets content type to something like image/png and write your saved in memory or file image to servlet output stream. Access your image servlet from page using something like: <img src="/mycontext/myimageservlet?imageid=xxx">
You can look in example of a contact application in my signature. It allows to upload image (photo) and display it on page after.
18 years ago
Right, it's a problem of many applications, because a browser considers get as idempotent and doesn't do repeat calls just uses caching result.
18 years ago
It doesn't look like idempotent for me. I'd rather to have init and destroy as idempotent.
18 years ago
Generally I'm trying to avoid using singletons in building applications. Unfortunately it isn't always easy, for example configuration is something required for most of applications and fits in singleton pattern perfectly.
18 years ago
You can check a user name your program acts from then do ls -l to figure out ownership of file. If you found mismatch, then your program can ask for additiona privileges and execute su first. Actually I'd recommend to write a script with the same name as for Windows as for Unix. This script should take care of all cases which are OS dependent.
18 years ago
Look for link to addressbook in my signature. You will find class Challengeimage in sources. This class dynamically produces an image and display it on page. I use a front controller pattern, but you can consider this class as a servlet.
18 years ago
It's quite simple. You need to wrap a response object in your object which plays a role of proxy. You should care only about two methods: getOutputStream and getWriter. Return your own implementation wrapping objects returned by original response for these methods. Your implementation is also a proxy which counts a number of processed bytes. You can use Java proxy capabilities or HttpServletResponseWrapper to simplify your implementation.
18 years ago