I am new to WebSphere and unable to know the exact causes of the issues.
On every Saturday the TCP Port listening is stopped and the deployed wars are shutting down.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:740 IST] 0000001f TCPChannel I TCPC0002I: TCP Channel TCP_4 has stopped listening on host * (IPv6) port 9444.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:742 IST] 0000001f TCPChannel I TCPC0002I: TCP Channel TCP_2 has stopped listening on host * (IPv6) port 9081.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:747 IST] 0000001f JMSProxyRunti I XJMS0005I: XD JMS message pacing controller successfully stopped.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:747 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0217I: Stopping application: eda_war
[3/10/19 0:00:01:941 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [SLOSamlLogoutController]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:944 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [SloLogoutResponseConsumer]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:946 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [DownloadPDF]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:946 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [SSOSamlResponse]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:947 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [com.edist.common.servlet.UpLoadpdfServlet]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:947 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [Captcha]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:01:948 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [SSOSamlRequest]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:112 IST] 00000040 TransportAdap W DCSV1117W: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: The stream from Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\nodeagent has closed. The channnel is View|Ptp.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:139 IST] 00000040 VSyncAlgo1 I DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (3:0.ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr). The internal details are None.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:914 IST] 0000004a DiscoveryRcv W DCSV1115W: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr connection was closed. Member will be removed from view. DCS connection status is Discovery|Ptp, receiver closed.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:918 IST] 0000003f RoleViewLeade I DCSV8053I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: View change in process. Excluded members are [ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr].
[3/10/19 0:00:02:919 IST] 00000040 VSyncAlgo1 I DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (4:0.ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr). The internal details are None.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:924 IST] 0000003f CoordinatorIm I HMGR0218I: A new core group view has been installed. The core group is DefaultCoreGroup. The view identifier is (5:0.ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1). The number of members in the new view is 1.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:924 IST] 0000003f CoreGroupMemb I DCSV8050I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: New view installed, identifier (5:0.ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1), view size is 1 (AV=1, CD=1, CN=1, DF=3)
[3/10/19 0:00:02:927 IST] 0000006c ViewReceiver I DCSV1033I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: Confirmed all new view members in view identifier (5:0.ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1). View channel type is View|Ptp.
[3/10/19 0:00:02:934 IST] 0000003f CoordinatorIm I HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group DefaultCoreGroup. The active coordinator set is [ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1].
[3/10/19 0:00:03:381 IST] 00000053 Peer I ODCF8534I: Removed neighbor ip= udp=11005 tcp=11006 ID=e61cb44475513adb8b69ea9d1dfc80b6754fbb94 version=0;cellName=ip-20-0-8-70Cell01;bridgedCells=[];properties={MEMBER_STARTUP_TIME=1552041121755, MEMBER_VERSION=4, memberName=ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr, epoch=1552041123328, inOdc=1, ODC_PUBLISHER_ONLY=false}, neighbor set is now 0 nodes
[3/10/19 0:00:03:387 IST] 00000088 P2PGroup I ODCF8041I: Detected process ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr stopped.
[3/10/19 0:00:03:389 IST] 00000088 ServerStopped I ODCF0009I: Marked server /cell/ip-20-0-8-70Cell01/node/ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01/server/dmgr STOPPED due to transaction: remote - markServerDown: ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01\dmgr
[3/10/19 0:00:03:396 IST] 00000055 NGUtil$Server I ASND0003I: Detected server dmgr stopped on node ip-20-0-8-70CellManager01
[3/10/19 0:00:22:072 IST] 00000030 ServerStopped I ODCF0009I: Marked server /cell/ip-20-0-8-70Cell01/node/ip-20-0-8-70Node01/server/nodeagent STOPPED due to transaction: remote - markServerDown: ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\nodeagent
[3/10/19 0:01:01:959 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [eda_war] [/eda] [Faces Servlet]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:009 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0220I: Application stopped: eda_war
[3/10/19 0:01:02:010 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0217I: Stopping application: ibmasyncrsp
[3/10/19 0:01:02:021 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [ibmasyncrsp] [/IBM_WS_SYS_RESPONSESERVLET] [rspservlet]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:031 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0220I: Application stopped: ibmasyncrsp
[3/10/19 0:01:02:031 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0217I: Stopping application: edamnpservice_war
[3/10/19 0:01:02:046 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [edamnpservice_war] [/edaservice] [com.eda.service.service.StatusSearchService]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:046 IST] 0000001f servlet I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper doDestroy SRVE0253I: [edamnpservice_war] [/edaservice] [com.edist.webservices.accountservice_jaxws.StatusSearchService]: Destroy successful.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:068 IST] 0000001f ApplicationMg A WSVR0220I: Application stopped: edamnpservice_war
[3/10/19 0:01:02:073 IST] 0000001f SchedulerServ I SCHD0040I: The Scheduler Service is stopping.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:074 IST] 0000001f SchedulerServ I SCHD0002I: The Scheduler Service has stopped.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:075 IST] 0000001f AppProfileCom I ACIN0009I: The application profiling service is stopping.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:075 IST] 0000001f ActivitySessi I WACS0049I: The ActivitySession service is stopping.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:083 IST] 0000001f ObjectPoolSer I OBPL0011I: The Object Pool service is stopping.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:086 IST] 0000001f distSecurityC I securityServiceStarted is false
[3/10/19 0:01:02:103 IST] 0000001f CGBridgeSubsc I CWRCB0104I: The core group bridge service has stopped the subscription router.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:103 IST] 0000001f CGBridgeServi I CWRCB0103I: The core group bridge service has stopped.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:104 IST] 0000001f DragDropDeplo I CWLDD0004I: Stopping monitored directory application deployment service...
[3/10/19 0:01:02:104 IST] 0000001f DragDropDeplo I CWLDD0005I: Monitored directory application deployment service is stopped.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:106 IST] 0000001f DCSStackImpl I DCSV8011I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member ip-20-0-8-70Cell01\ip-20-0-8-70Node01\server1: Member received a request for shutdown.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:127 IST] 0000001f CfwTCPListene I ODCF8525I: The unstructured overlay is stopping its inbound TCP channel.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:127 IST] 0000001f Peer I ODCF8526I: The unstructured overlay is stopping its outbound TCP channel.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:127 IST] 0000001f Peer I ODCF8550I: The current TCP protocol statistics for the unstructured overlay member { udp_port=11003 tcp_port=11004} are {connOpened=17, connClosed=17, read={buffAloc=32559, byteAloc=33523848, buffReld=32559, byteReld=33523848}, write={buffAloc=2989, byteAloc=17210368, buffReld=2989, byteReld=17210368} }.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:142 IST] 0000001f TCPChannel I TCPC0002I: TCP Channel TCPInboundChannel_ipcc.Default_IPC_Connector_Name has stopped listening on host localhost (IPv4: port 9634.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:183 IST] 0000001f SystemOut O WARN: The method class org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SLF4JLogFactory#release() was invoked.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:183 IST] 0000001f SystemOut O WARN: Please see
http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#release for an explanation.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:205 IST] 0000001f FailureScopeC A WTRN0105I: The transaction service has shutdown successfully with no transactions requiring recovery.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:213 IST] 0000001f TCPChannel I TCPC0002I: TCP Channel sonIncomingTcpConnectorInboundChannel_SonIncomingTCPSubsystem_0_11004 has stopped listening on host ip-20-0-8-70.ap-south-1.compute.internal (IPv4: port 11004.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:214 IST] 0000001f TCPChannel I TCPC0002I: TCP Channel TCP_5 has stopped listening on host * (IPv6) port 9353.
[3/10/19 0:01:02:217 IST] 0000001f ServerCollabo A WSVR0024I: Server server1 stopped