Originally posted by Tim Holloway:
Only one thing. Ten times as many dollars per worker as an Indian/Pakistani/Chinese/African middle class member. That is, in fact why the American middle class is under siege. Not because we're inferior, but because we keep more money circulating. And a lot of that money ends up in China and India - or will until we don't have it anymore.
But it's not the same everywhere. I hate to break the news, but the offshoring craze isn't because of any inherent superior value of the Indian worker. It's because the Indian worker isn't considered to be worth the same absolute number of dollars per hour worked, irrespective of his or her talent. The people who hand out the cash think Indians living in India are worth roughly one tenth as much as Americans.
Don't get mad at me for it. I'm not the one setting the salaries. If you find that insulting, you'll have to convince the Powers that Be to change things.
I wish that were true. However you can only spend as much as you recieve (unless you're the US government). And if you're only receiving a tithe as much, your purchasing power isn't going to be able to bear the load that - up to now - the American public has. It's not sanctity, just cold economics.
Originally posted by HS Thomas:
The government laid roads out of tax payers money rather than the auto companies.
Originally posted by Tim Holloway:
I can't speak for various other greedy people out here, but my own personal concern is that it's a repeatedly-demonstrated fact that when the US economy crashes, it takes the whole rest of the world down with it, so everyone has a vested interest in health of the US economy until the day arrives when this situation no longer exists.
In any event, we are repeatedly reminded that the American middle class drives the American economy.
Originally posted by Rufus BugleWeed:
I'm no expert on Indian culture or foreign trade law. But it appears to me that India is heavily subsidizing the formation of intellectual capital and selling it for less than it costs to produce it. This situation meets the definition of dumping.
Indian software should be hit a tarrif.
Originally posted by Tim Holloway:
Ever notice how few FOSS apps have Indian authors? Even at today's low prices, a home computer costs a significant slice of what you'd get paid working in Bangalore - a $600 Dell Special weighs in at well over 26,000 Rupees. Which is around 1/10th of a typical Indian Java programmer with 2 years experience brings home before taxes.
Originally posted by J. Yan:
Do whatever you want and say whatever you want as long as don't compare Indians with Chinese...
Originally posted by <Mr nice guy>:
I know pakka desi very much by previous posts.as i read this pakka desi i believes he is a highly communaly toxicated narrow minded person.so i dont know the real intention of pakka desi.
Originally posted by Mumbai cha bhau:
Pakka Desi,
I would like to have similar information about Geeta, Bible, and other books too if someone can provide. How, what material, etc. If you could use a different thread for that, it would be nice.
Originally posted by <Mr nice guy>:
how many hindu's know gita very well?.
Originally posted by <Mr nice guy>:
Every religeon in this world got a large content.so it's not possible to know all of that for their followers.islam is not an exception.only interested people will study deeply.rest of them just follow by belief.every religeon is like that.islam also.but islam is having some pattern for life.
Originally posted by Michael Morris:
Actually, I think Mexico's problem has more to do with decades of government corruption and the unwillingness to give up power more than anything. I believe if they can clean up their government, then those that choose el norte now will become the entrepreneurs that can make that economy flourish.
Originally posted by Mumbai cha bhau:
I interpreted the above as "the ordinary people in Mexico (like those of Bihar) do not deserve any better because they do not put in a lot of extra efforts and do not work really hard".