Jordan Belford

Ranch Hand
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since Mar 29, 2019
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Recent posts by Jordan Belford

Gorgan Iulian wrote:Hello All
My name is Iulian. Im a college student  at Computer Science in my coutry (Romania)
Im starting to learn Java (esspecially for Java Certification) i have no prior experience in this work field. In this time for learning java i want to develop a management vending software.
What kind of frameworks / technology i must learn and apply  for this kind of software? and i want to use java and android.
thank you in advance

Is this something you have to do for your java class in college or is this something you want to do in your spare time to learn and familiarize yourself with java?

If you're first trying to start java on your own you should consider downloading an IDE or text/code editor in order to create the program you intend on building. As a beginner you should consider using a text editor first and then proceeding to using an IDE as it is an easier way of starting java, or you can start with an IDE which might look more complicated to manage at first yet will benefit you in the long run as you won't have to worry with using an IDE anymore. You should start with a simple program first and proceed to a more difficult one, I recommend you use w3schools to learn the basics of java.
3 years ago
I am trying to add 4 frames to run in a cycle so it seems as if my character is running on the spot but I don't know how to do this with more than 2 frames.

here is my code, what should I adjust to it so it works and that its bug free?

3 years ago
I want to make characters and background for my android app that I am developing on android studio but idk what program to use to create these characters or how to even make them, can someone help?
3 years ago

Paul Clapham wrote:That wouldn't be my question. My question would be "Why aren't the height and width values being set to the numbers I wanted them to be set to?"

This is a difficult question to answer since you're providing a limited amount of your coding, provide more information so that people can understand how you're trying to build your app and how you can fix the problem.
3 years ago
I'm currently trying to master java. I would say I know an average to above average amount of java at this point in time. My current goal is to try to master java as well as possible and be able to create a decent application such as a video game or something else. Overall I would like to master as many coding languages as possible. I would like to make it my job do this and specifically to be self employed. How can I achieve this? All answers are greatly appreciated. Also how long on average will it take me to make a career from this?
3 years ago

Norm Radder wrote:From the previous responses to this problem:
Have a Quiz class that holds a question and the correct answer(s) and score values for correct, wrong or close answers from user
Create a list of Quiz items.  This could be read from a file.
Use a loop that accesses the next Quiz item, asks the user the question, reads the user's response and compares that to the answer in the Quiz class.
Evaluate the user's answer and give a score.

I understand the concepts, but how do I put that code together for it to work? Idk how to format it, which line of code goes first and so forth That's my problem, i did it multiple times and I just deleted it since I was getting no where with it
3 years ago
I want to make a java game with multiple questions using encapsulation, for loop and if loop, and an array for the question, how do I do that? Can someone message me or post an example of how the code should look like? I have posted previously my code but ditched it since I didn't know how to proceed with it.
3 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Don't duplicate the code in lines 12‑17; use a loop or a Stream.

how do I do that and where in my code do I place it?
3 years ago

C:\ error: cannot find symbol
Game myGame;
 symbol:   class Game
 location: class GameApp
C:\ error: cannot find symbol
myGame = new Game();
 symbol:   class Game
 location: class GameApp
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[0] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question1");
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[1] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question2");
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[2] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question3");
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[3] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question4");
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[4] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question5");
C:\ error: array required, but String found
ques[5] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("what is the answer to question6");
C:\ error: no suitable method found for showMessageDialog(String)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("your results" +message +points+ "6");
   method JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component,Object) is not applicable
     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
   method JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component,Object,String,int) is not applicable
     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
   method JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Component,Object,String,int,Icon) is not applicable
     (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
9 errors

Tool completed with exit code 1

Trying to make the questions equal each message dialog and for each answer to equal each question. And at the end to show the user the results but idk how to fix anything or where to even start from, please help
3 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:...or do you mean how do you verify that you haven't copied code from elsewhere? Round here, we used to use a program called turnitin (or similar); it searches for similar code throughout the net and Academia worldwide.

Yes, how do I use this program for free?
3 years ago
How do I check if my java code is plagiarized? I need something very accurate, like high institution level that is preferably free.
3 years ago

Junilu Lacar wrote:

Jordan Belford wrote:I can't share any code due to plagiarism security reasons. I would also like to get information only in words not coding as I don't want to get plagiarized.

That severely limits the options for helping you. Without code to look at and discuss, we won't know exactly where and how things are going wrong for you. Any suggestions made that do not include code examples can quickly be misinterpreted and mistranslated to code, resulting in the wrong thing. You might be in for a long and frustrating haul. Good luck.

Can I delete thread after if I post my code and once I got the solution?
3 years ago

Norm Radder wrote:

how to make each answer equal to a certain question

I don't understand what that means.  Can you explain and give an example.

how I can add a a point for each question

Where are the points being kept?  

the total score

Would that be the sum of the points that were kept somewhere?

I mean I want the answer to be assigned to a question. So that if the user gets it right it adds a point to his total score otherwise nothing is added if he gets it wrong.

The score is kept in the main class, they're made private at the start and the values are assigned in a method
3 years ago