Jagdeep Singh

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 14, 2002
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Recent posts by Jagdeep Singh

Cool You did it.
19 years ago
Deepa, Thanks for the wishes. I am more leaning towards java web services.
19 years ago
Ranchers...I passed SCBCD with 75%. I used following material for preparation:
2. EJB 2.0 spces
3. mocks exams at www.ejbCetificate.com

I would like to thank Kathy and Bert for the great book. Also mocks exams at ejbCertificate are very helpful.

I made few simple mistakes. I would say, the most important thing is to read the Question carefully.
19 years ago
FYI for ranchers...

Head First EJB typo error on page 551. and are not in javax.ejb package as mentioned but they are in javax.transaction package.
Congratulations....thanks for the tutorials link.
Thanks Brijesh for posting this very useful information.
throw the book in fireplace...start reading EJB specs.
Check out this link.

Seems guys missing this link mentioned in "important links" above.
check this for whole bunch of info.
Check out at www.certmanager.net/sun....login in and go to faq page for how to get certificate.
Off course. . You got it.
Thanks for the great work Liesbeth!. *Very helpful* You deserve the black belt.