Rob Chung

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since Oct 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Rob Chung

I think tomcat is not picking up the <servlet> tag in the shtml and I don't know why. I found this because the shtml continue to display the page without invoking the (SSI) servlet.
Pls help.
20 years ago
I have also tried adding codebase in my shtml :
<servlet codebase="/ap1/WEB-INF/classes" code="CurrentTime.class">
and still doesn't work. Any ideas?
20 years ago
Yes, I did. As well as uncommenting the SSI related nodes in the Tomcat home/conf/web.xml, I also tried to move these nodes to my working folder's web.xml and neither worked.
20 years ago
I am new to servlet and Tomcat. I am trying to do the SSI CurrentTime simple sample. Tomcat 5.0.19 release note says that if I uncomment the SSI related details in the web.xml, SSI should work. The shtml file ran with no error but does not seem to acknowledge the servlet. I went to the servlet direct on the url and I could see the servlet fine. So my guess is that the shtml side is not working. I have looked on the web for answers however most similar questions dealt with earlier versions of Tomcat which do not support SSI.
Any ideas?
20 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
I found that with the ms JDBC driver, it required 3000+ connections to the database! (I checked the log and looked into the performance statistic on connections.) Whereas the Avenir driver used about 40 connections as expected. I switched the drivers a few times to confirm this is the case.
Any idea why?
Can anyone recommend some jdbc drivers which work well with ms 2000 sql server?
Thanks in advance!
Our aplpication has been using
We are using MicroSoft 2000 SQL Server and we are trying to switch to the Microsoft JDBC driver.,
I downloaded the driver and put the jar files in the classpath. No code changes.
I have the following error. Please help if you have any idea. Thanks in advance!
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Software caused connection abort: recv failed
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After the last import Thawte generated certificate problem (Failed to establish chain from reply), I now seemed to have gone pass that and moved onto the next problem:
I imported Thawte's public certificate and Thawte generated certificate into IE6 and then export the generated certificate in.p7b format. I then tried to import this .p7b format into my keystore and I have this error:
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Certificate chain in reply does not verify: Signature does not match.
Any ideas please?!
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
Thanks for replying.
The public cert. I got was :
I did convert it to other formats through the use of IE6, Tool>Internet Options>Content to import the certificate and export it as other format, then tried importing this converted-format cert. into my keystore. I still have the same error.
I searched the net for days and am still stuck with this same error.
21 years ago
Any more ideas please?
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
My application contains the following code:
SocketChannel s =;
It seemed to me that the socket related to the SocketChannel gets timed out after an hour if no traffic is using this socket.
Does anyone know the default timeout of a socket?
And how to keep it alive constantly?
Thanks in advance!
I have tried the jurisdiction jar files. Still same error.
Please do post more ideas if any come up.
21 years ago
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
I did checked that Thawte is one of the trusted entried in my cacerts file. But because I kept having the chain problem, I thought its worth a try to put that into my keystore (which didn't help to solve my problem anyway).
I am using 1.4. Will look into the unlimited jurisdiction policy files now.
21 years ago
I created a keystore through the use of keytool.
I then created a .csr request file through keytool.
I then went to the Thawte site and pasted in the data from the .csr file in order to get a temp. certificate from Thawte.
I then cut the certificate data generated from Thawte and pasted into a notepad file .cer.
I tried to import this .cer file into the keystore I created.
I kept having this error: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
I then obtained Thawte's own public certificate and saved theat in a .cer file, and imported it into IE6 through tool>internet options>content>Certificates>other People and then export it in other format so that I can import the Thawte's own cert. as trusted certificate into my keystore. This import worked. But the initial import continued to have the failed to eastablich chain problem.
Please can someone give me some ideas?
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
On the sun's website for purchasing the developer exam voucher, it says:
Prerequisite: Submission of the programming assignment
So I am not sure if you can purchase the vouchure BEFORE you upload your assignment anyway.
As I understand, signed certificates can come in varies formats. The standard format is X.509. It sounds as if the certificate you tried to import was not in X.509 format.
21 years ago