Wayne Burr

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since Oct 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Wayne Burr

Problem turned out to be that the constructor was not Public.
Problem solved!
21 years ago
This is the call in the first set of Code from above:
ParamPYUnderwriterExpense savfactor = new ParamPYUnderwriterExpense(savefactorId, policyyearPPUE, t1overheadPPUE, t2overheadPPUE, t3overheadPPUE, t4overheadPPUE, t5overheadPPUE, t6overheadPPUE, corpoverheadPPUE);
21 years ago
I'm getting this error and after reseaching what it means still does not fix my problem. I have spend alot of time on it and really can't see where the error is possible. Please have a look and let me know if you can see the problem.
No constructor matching ParamPYUnderwriterExpense(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) found in class com.ca.ka.ParamPYUnderwriterExpense.
ParamPYUnderwriterExpense savfactor = new ParamPYUnderwriterExpense(savefactorId, policyyearPPUE, t1overheadPPUE, t2overheadPPUE, t3overheadPPUE, t4overheadPPUE, t5overheadPPUE, t6overheadPPUE, corpoverheadPPUE);
Here is some of the code that it is getting called from:

This part of the JAVA code:

Any help will be great if anybody can spot why I'm getting the error.
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
I'm going to try to stay on the same post with my new problem to do what I really want to do. (Which is not working the way I was hoping)
With the above replies and ideas I tried to do the following with a "input type=hidden name=hinx value=0" field:

I do get the following error:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:394)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:476)
With all my research that I have done and testing I am unable to find if you can setup JAVA objects in JAVASCRIPT (using IE).
Thanks in advance again...
21 years ago
I was writing a response to Richard's reply when Dave's reply came in.
Thanks for the replies. Looks as I will have to find another solution to what I was trying to accomplish.
Thanks again!
21 years ago
Thanks for the reply! --
I am still pretty new to JAVA and JSP etc, but I can't understand why a variable cannot be created and passed between JavaScript and JSP. I'm intermixing HTML and JSP variables.
I do understand the concept of Client and Server side processing, but if you can intermix code, why can't you do the same with variables?
21 years ago
the above error was from trying something else. Here is the one that goes with the code from above.
currentFactor = factorLMEList.getFactorLMEs(strinx);
21 years ago
This is the error that I receive:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPNote: sun.tools.javac.Main has been deprecated.
C:\Tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Fka\_0002fjsp_0002fFactors_0002ejspFactors_jsp_363.java:133: Undefined variable: strinx
currentFactor = factorLMEList.getFactorLMEs((int)strinx);
--Hope this helps to give ya ideas to help me--
21 years ago
I'm having no luck in passing a JavaScript varable in JSP. I'm sure that it is simple but nothing is working for me.
Here is a sample of the code that I am using:
var inxfind = factdtl.search("-")
var strinx = factdum.slice(0,inxfind)
<% FactorLME currentFactor = new FactorLME();
String factDate = currentFactor.getstartDate();
factorLMEList = connector.getFactorLMEs();
session.setAttribute("factorLMEList", factorLMEList);
currentFactor = factorLMEList.getFactorLMEs([I]strinx{/I]);
Any idea would be great!
Thanks in advance!
21 years ago
That was the only solution that I did not try. This works great!
Thanks a bunch. It always looks easy once you have a solution!
Thanks agian.
22 years ago
I'm getting this following error:
C:\Tomcat\work\localhost_8080%2Fka\_0002fjsp_0002fFactors_0002ejspFactors_jsp_227.java:267: Missing term.
When I do this:

I've tried a few things to get that loop varable (i) to be included in the option, but have had no luck.
Any help would be great!
Thanks in advance.
22 years ago
the last suggestion:
if (new String("LAE_MONTHLY_EXPENSE").equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("SelectedFactor"))){
Worked like a charm! Don't understand why the other solutions did not work, but progress has been made
Thanks to All!
22 years ago
I seem to be back where I started. What I want to accomplish is:
Select a option value from one <form> and pass that value to the second <form> to be evaluated to display data depending on what was selected in the first form.
The first <form> on a Onclick method that runs some JAVASCRIPT that stores the value in a varable, then submits the first <form>:
function frmFactorSelect_submit(i) {
if (i == 1) {
SelectedFactor = document.frmMaintFactor.cmbFactor.value;
In the second <form> I am checking for the value "SelectedFactor":
if (SelectedFactor) == "LAE_MONTHLY_EXPENSE")
for (int i=0;i<factorLMEList.getNumberOfFactorLME();i++)
nextfactor = factorLMEList.getFactorLMEs(i);
startdate = nextfactor.getstartDate();
enddate = nextfactor.getendDate();
orgunit = nextfactor.getorgUnit();
out.print("<OPTION selected value='" + 1 + "'>" + startdate + ", " + enddate + ", " + orgunit + "</OPTION>");
out.print ("<OPTION value='0'>It don't work</OPTION>");
This is not working.
This can't be that of a difficult problem, but I have been working on it for a week and no solution as of yet.
Thanks in advance.
22 years ago
Having tried the following suggestion, I get the below error:
if (arg.equals("LAE_MONTHLY_EXPENSE")) {
Internal Servlet Error:
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:459)
Root cause:
at jsp._0002fjsp_0002fFactors_0002ejspFactors_jsp_83._jspService(_0002fjsp_0002fFactors_0002ejspFactors_jsp_83.java:262)
Everything that the I have researched points to the fact that what I am doing should work. I'm sure that I'm missing a simple element that is not screaming at me to add....
22 years ago
I didn't get in alot of detail with my initial problem and I appreciate the response.
I have two Form tags and on the Click event on the first form I trigger a Javascript funtion which in turn submits the form which I want to populate second form with data from the selected data depending on what was selected (If statements embedded in the second Form tag).
My problem right now is that when the first form is submitted and I have the parameter in the URL, my jsp calls does not return anything:
--Second form
String arg = request.getParameter("cmbFactor");

if (arg == "LAE_MONTHLY_EXPENSE") {
My URL has this displayed:
I've also tried it as:
if (<%request.getParameter("cmbFactor");%> == "LAE_MONTHLY_EXPENSE") --and this also does not return anything
Any ideas?
22 years ago