Originally posted by vats rao:
i didnt get you exactly.as the statement at 25th line ie "q=t" is wrong how it can be made error free with casting does it like q=super(t)?if not whats the other way
Originally posted by josh gibson:
I'm trying to validate a textfield input for street address.
For the address, I used this bit of code:
however some addresses, such as "40 comm ave #3" are rejected.
Can someone help me fix my problem?
Thank you.
Originally posted by Adam Kjems:
I've been assigned to make a java search engine that can sort and display information about universities, according to certain criteria. I've decided to use xml since its universal and the data can be easily edited in excel. Can anyone suggest a good tutorial or give lend some advice on xml searching through java.
Originally posted by Reema Patel:
Hi William,
Thanks for the post.
What you said is very apt. Apache is a full blown web server. Tomcat is just a servlet container. But, Tomcat also has the capabilities of a web server. Does this mean that Tomcat runs the HTTPD service? Just wondering, why isn't called HTTP service instead of HTTPD?
Originally posted by George Lin:
Hello everyone,
When running my program on Java JVM 5.0, there are strange stack errors. What may be the root cause?
(foo.dll is my JNI invoked native library.)
<<< snip >>>
Stack: [0x0c1e0000,0x0c220000), sp=0x0c21f30c, free space=252k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM cod6, C=native code)
C [foo.dll+0x18070]
C [foo.dll+0x18147]
thanks in advance,
Originally posted by Eric Pascarello:
There is no action fired for the back button.