Grade: P Score: 145 Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible number of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. Section Summary Report: General Considerations: Maximum=58 Deductions=0 Actual=58 Documentation: Maximum=20 Deductions=0 Actual=20 GUI: Maximum=24 Deductions=10 Actual=14 Server: Maximum=53 Deductions=0 Actual=53 Total: Maximum=155 Deductions=10 Certification Score=145
I lost 10 point on the GUI :
I did a quite sophisticated GUI a little bit out of scope, two GUI in fact, 1 for Booking with ComboBoxes (date calculation and so on) and 1 for Searching with JTextFields input. The error is probably that each GUI was on a different JPanel and not on the same with a CardLayout.
I modified DATA, found a nice usage for 'final sc char = 'A', then extended it twice, 1- for the data table and 2- for another table created with the second constructor for logging ticket booking.
Locking done with caller ID.
I used a wonderful IDE : I must thank you all specially the nice guys that told me that I was in the wrong path with my first design 'data singleton' , you probably remember February 18, 2003.
Mark, Max, Eugene, St�phane, Peter, BJ, Lasse and all the friends on this very nice bulletin board: YOU ARE GREAT.
Peace be with you all.
[ April 11, 2003: Message edited by: Charles Dupin ]