Ma Chan

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since Oct 19, 2002
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Recent posts by Ma Chan

thanks, have fixed it
21 years ago
Hi people. I have also posted this in I/O and Streams topic as not sure where this belongs. I have a few problems at the moment. Below is my incomplete program. It compiles but doesn't do a whole lot when run. I am doing a project on polymophism and inheritance. I have a footwear class(parent) and sneaker & thong classes(children) switch statements don't do anything. I'm trying to setColour to "something"(eg: whatever option user chooses), then it is written to a file. What's going on?
21 years ago
Hi people. I have a few problems at the moment. Below is my incomplete program. It compiles but doesn't do a whole lot when run. I am doing a project on polymophism and inheritance. I have a footwear class(parent) and sneaker & thong classes(children) switch statements don't do anything. I'm trying to setColour to "something"(eg: whatever option user chooses), then it is written to a file. What's going on?
21 years ago