This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

El Roy Cabildo

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since Oct 19, 2002
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Recent posts by El Roy Cabildo

I am planning to create an application in java. Is it possible to view strings such as simplified chinese or japanese characters even if your locale is english or your regional settings is in english? Or can you point me to some documentation or pubs regarding internationalization in java?
21 years ago
struts provide a good starting tutorial on gonna check this tutorials.
21 years ago
this what you are going to do...
in the validator.xml
<form name="loginForm">
<field property="badgeNo"
<arg0 key="app.username.text" />
<field property="password"
depends="required" >
<arg0 key="app.password.text" />

in your message resource you put this properties....
errors.required={0} is required.
app.password.text = Password
app.username.text = Username
if an error accured, the {0} will be replaced by the key in arg0 tag.
21 years ago
the second dropdown box should be populated by the data from the database.
21 years ago
nope. im from cebu and you? thanks anyway.
21 years ago
I have a problem, i have two dropdown box when a user select the first dropdown box. the second dropdown box will be populated with data without affecting other controls in the form.
Example the first dropdown box is populated a list of department, so when the user selects a department the second combo box will be populated the list of employees belonging to that department that was selected by the user on the first drop down box without affecting other controls in the form?
21 years ago
you can use JNI.
21 years ago
of course it would compile error because Math.random() returns double not int! Loss of precission and java wont allow you that
21 years ago
include what package thus SortedListArrayBased belongs e.g.
or if the class (SortedListArrayBased) is on the same directroy or on the classpath create that directly.
SortedListArrayBased r = new SortedListArrayBased()
21 years ago
interface is a collection of methods..view it as a template which those methods should be implemented when sub classed..while abstract is a partial class means their is a method that don't have implementation..means subclassing a abstract class should implement its abstract method otherwise declare the child as abstract...just like for example...
A class Human...not all human do smoke() so you make it as an abstract so...if you create a class named Amit and subclass the Human class and amit do Smoke() you implement that you do smoke.
21 years ago
well it depends on you...if you are designing as system that only one thread can access then sychronized it....imagine if you have a application which deals banking...threads can freelyy withdraw and deposits... try this link...
21 years ago
yes of course you cannot directy get the value "balance" without creating the object first(Account) because its a member variable. But with "rate" you can call it with or without creating the object because it is static variable...chaging it like personal.rate = 7 and business.rate =5. The variable "rate" is shared by both business and personal.
21 years ago
the object is sychronized only one thread can get the object lock at a time.
21 years ago
you can try James(Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server) you can find it from this link
21 years ago