Sarma Lolla

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since Oct 21, 2002
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Recent posts by Sarma Lolla

This is how I am executing a stored procedure... you have to use Native query

private final static String my_query= "BEGIN my_pkg.my_proc(); commit; END;";

Query query = em.createNativeQuery(my_query);
catch (Exception e){
Just verify [B]which java [B] from command window. Because I was getting similar error some time back and then I realized that instead of accessing the jdk1.4 from weblogic it was using jdk1.3 from cygwin. When I rectified my path every thing went of well.
After installing weblogic what are the steps one should follow to be a j2ee developer?
my goal is to write jsp, servlet, ejb. But looking at the examples etc given by weblogic seems to be tough.
I understand just now that creating a domain (thouhg very simple by accepting the defaults is one step). Using pre configured ones is again confusing. We don't know what is there in it.
I don't know I explained my problem clearly or not.
21 years ago
I have access to WebLogic. But is it that simple to write an ejb and deploy using WebLogic? Or is there any server people generally use for practicing EJBs?
This is one of the toughest exams available on web.
Always remember that the condition is executed before really continue continues.
I just want to add that any exception derived from Exception class is also treated by JVM as checked exception.
Hi can any one redirect me to the topic/section wise mocks?
After completing a section or before taking a section I want to see what questions can be asked on that topic/section
Here are some good mocks.

For no reason? Are you sure? What about declaring a fully-developed class abstract in order to prevent people from directly instantiating it?

That is exactly my point. When the class is fully developed why are we using abstract. Any class that extends this fully developed class with {} and without adding a single line of code can be instantiated.
It is two dimentional array. You declare it like
int [][] x;
int []x[];
int x[][];
you initialize it like
int[][]x= new int[5][];
int[][]x= new int[5][5];
int[][]x= {{1,2},{3,4}};
My point is - first try to understand the code. Try to compile the code. I prefer using simple textpad and some times just jdk1.4 command line. No GUI based tools.
Look at the code you posted.

{if(add(object do) returns false} /QUOTE]
add method takes an object. But you wouldn't call add(Object do) but you call add(do). It seems the code you picked up is psedo code.

Abstact class can have constructors. Interfaces can't.
For no reason you can specify a fully developed class with abstract.
You can't instanciate an abstract class but you can instantiate a non abstract class derived from abstract class.
You can't instantiate an interface except the non abstract class that implements the interface.
What are we telling you? Difference between an abstract class and interface. What did you ask? Why these two?
Please note the methods are toDegrees and toRadians.
I could see errors in your code.
Look at this code.
import java.util.collections.*;
Do we have a package collections in util? Please check.
collection c = new collection;
Can you instantiate an interface?? Please check.
Please compile your code before posting. Note that java compiler is your first and best teacher.