This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Adam L Davis

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since Sep 24, 2019
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There are some things but it's mostly geared towards beginners/intermediates.
2 years ago
Very early on in the book it talks about the different programming paradigms, including OO.
2 years ago
Beyond the syntax, records are stored differently from classes in memory and can support much faster processing. They are not merely an immutable class.

"However, just as for sealed types, some of the most important use cases for records will emerge in the future. Pattern matching and, in particular, deconstruction patterns that allow a record to be broken up into its components show great promise and may well change the way that many developers program in Java. The combination of sealed types and records also provides Java with a version of a language feature known as algebraic data types." - Ben Evans
Here's another good article:
2 years ago
You don't need to escape double quotes (") which is a nice feature (and is covered in the book)
2 years ago
It is a very large book (over 900 pages) so please take a look. Thanks.
2 years ago
That really depends on what type of company or organization you are talking about.

Java 17 is the next LTS (Long Term Service) release - meaning Oracle will support it for a very long time.

So many companies will go from Java 8 to Java 11 to Java 17.
2 years ago
It's a very large book and covers a lot. Problem solving is not mentioned directly but fundamentals of Java are covered including why certain features even exist.
2 years ago
I agree that modules could be the biggest, but maybe it's record. The introduction of record is a huge change to the language as it sits next to class and interface as a fundamental type of thing. This book does cover modules and has a very large chapter on it.
2 years ago
Hi! It's not specific to passing the exam but it has many topics that would help you pass.
2 years ago
Yes it covers testing specific to Spring as well. It covers Spring Boot Testing and Reactor's built-in classes for testing support.
3 years ago
The code is available to download: Spring Quick Reference Guide
3 years ago
Spring Boot should work great with WebClient. The makers of Spring actually suggest everyone use WebClient going forward instead of RestTemplate.

However, it requires a shift in your mental model to understand how reactive works (Mono is a reactive type, and part of project Reactor) - the book covers Reactor and WebFlux including WebClient.

Calling .block() should only block until the Mono produces an output value. Without seeing the code I can't give much more than that.
3 years ago
Yes this book does attempt to say when each project/module should be used. The covered modules are described in the list of chapters.
3 years ago
Good question. It is really big and I didn't cover every single Spring project. My goal was to cover what I think are some of the best projects and most useful.

No I don't expect the reader to already know Spring. The first chapter is on dependency injection. However, this book strives to be so comprehensive that even seasoned developers should get something out of it. I myself have gone back to reference it many times.
3 years ago
Hi, Thanks for the question.

I'm not sure which challenges you are referring to. In my experience the biggest challenge is understanding all of the features Spring brings to a project, and how to use them to your advantage without seeming too "magical" - you can do this much easier if you are have the complete picture of how Spring works, and are not just copy pasting things from the internet. Also make sure you have a really good reason for each library or framework you use.

The source code that comes with the book has over a dozen working example projects that demonstrate how to use each Spring project that is covered, such as Spring AOP, Spring Batch, Reactor, Spring Data JPA, Spring Mobile, and others.

3 years ago